Page 26 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 26
Jack Oswald and
Larry Hinds A Long-Lasting
by Ted Wilson
for which hopes of becoming a psychiatrist,
Jack had but the Vietnam War put a
no training, damper on that.
so he was
made a cook, Back then, the draft was a lottery
finishing his based on birthdays. Larry’s
ten years of birthday awarded him #3, and
reserve service he was drafted along with
as a mess the rest of numbers 1-30 the
sergeant. The first month. Since he had one
interruptions more year of college, he was
to his business deferred until he completed his
Jack Oswald Larry Hinds career were degree requirements, and then
the two-week immediately shipped out to Ft.
ack Oswald and Larry summer trainings at Ft. Hood Ord, California in May 1970,
Hinds are best known in the and local monthly meetings. without being allowed to walk
JPlainview area and around Jack says his military career the stage to receive his diplomas.
the world as owner-operators of did not amount to much, but During boot camp, Larry,
Old World Antiques, a hobby- anyone willing to serve, knowing although never having fired a
turned-business for over 45 years. they could be called up to gun, hit every target from every
What is less known is that they someplace like the Bay of Pigs, distance on the rifle range! He
are both veterans of the military is noteworthy and deserving of was then placed in charge of
with unique stories to tell. thanks. training other boots in the art of
Jack is a Plainview native born During his time in the Reserves, rifle shooting. He received the
to Jim (Plainview Daily Herald Jack was a Chamber of sharpshooter medal and was
publisher) and Eula Oswald. Commerce member and later afraid he would be selected for
One year after graduating from a member of the Plainview sniper training.
Plainview High School at the age Industrial Foundation. He also Instead, Larry was thankful to
of 18, the young entrepreneur served as Kiwanis Club president begin training as a combat medic.
opened Oswald Printing and for a stint. For years, he was busy But after just two days, the
Office Supplies in February 1960, buying farms, leasing them, and brass noticed his education and
a business that spanned 45 years. collecting 50s-era convertibles. previous employment at a mental
To remain available to run the health facility in Amarillo, so
business, Jack opted to join the Larry, on the other hand, started they sent him to Ft. Riley, Kansas
National Guard rather than face out in Paducah, the son of Al to work in the lockdown unit of
the draft at that time. (editor and publisher of The
Paducah Post) and Verda Lee a psychiatric hospital. He never
While Dad, Jim, helped keep the Hinds. He left Paducah to enroll realized his dream of becoming
business running, Jack spent six at Texas Tech for a year. Then a psychiatrist, but Larry did get
months at Fort Polk, Louisiana, he heard about the outstanding extremely intensive training in
for heavy weapons infantry basic Chemistry program at West the mental health field.
training. He was prepared to be Texas State and transferred there Although he never experienced
sent to the Bay of Pigs invasion to finish a degree in Chemistry combat firsthand, he saw the
in Cuba, but that order never with a minor in Biology, while horrors of war in the patients
materialized. When he returned simultaneously graduating he served daily. Drug use and
to Plainview, the National Guard with a degree in Psychology suicidal thoughts and acts
Unit manned 105 Howitzers and minor in Sociology. He had were rampant in a condition
26 Lubbock Senior Link