Page 105 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 105
Evelyn Fisher is a freshman homeschool student. She enjoys piano, dancing
as a member of the Ballet Lubbock company and reading good books.
peals of the Liberty Bell. Soon after freedom rang and still rings today.
its formation, our nation's freedom
was threatened in the War of 1812. Why did they do it? Why did
Britain and the rest of the world these veterans fight and die for my
did not respect these newfangled freedom? In J.R.R. Tolkien's novel
notions of freedom and liberty. The Two Towers, he declared, "Folk
Indeed, the respect of the world had in those stories had lots of chances
to be purchased, as well as liberty, of turning back, only they didn't.
and as before, words were not They kept going because they were
sufficient to bring these ideals into holding on to something. That there
being. America won the battle for is some good in this world, and it's
the respect of the nations, but it was worth fighting for."⁴ I am thankful
Before the founding of our nation, our veterans on land and sea who for our veterans because they did
not turn back but kept going. They
the colonies were crying out for paid the price. As long as there are held on to the hope of the good in
freedom under British rule. Their men and women willing to answer our world which they were fighting
cry was not one of fear but one the cry of freedom, then America for. Long ago, veterans purchased
of defiance. They recognized the will truly be the "land of the free my freedom. They believed my
need for a new and independent and the home of the brave."² It was future was worth fighting for.
government, a government that the veterans who made this idea a Because of them, I can hear the
would be like no other. The pens of reality yet again. They answered peals of the Liberty Bell. It rings
the patriots formed great ideals of the call, and freedom rang. for me. I have the chance to dream,
freedom and liberty. However. the America won respect and learn, and work for my own future.
artful words on paper alone could independence from foreign
not make freedom a reality. It was countries. Those who were looking Because of these veterans, freedom
the minutemen, the farmers, and for freedom, opportunities, and rang for those who came before me,
the soldiers who united to answer a fresh start heard the sound of freedom rings for me, and freedom
that call of freedom. They risked the Liberty Bell and flocked to will ring for many generations to
everything so that one day our America's welcoming shore. Our come. Yes, veterans are important.
nation would be free. nation grew and flourished, but They answered the call, and
These soldiers, these veterans, were freedom had to be purchased again freedom rings.
the people who made freedom a and again. Blood was an expensive
reality. These men answered the currency, but Thomas Jefferson
call of freedom with one of courage predicted it would be necessary 1 Martin Luther King Jr., "I Have a
and defiance. Without the courage when he declared that "The tree Dream," August 28, 1963, Lincoln
of the patriots, the colonies would of liberty must be refreshed from Memorial, Washington DC.
still be subjected to foreign rule, time to time with the blood of 2 Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843. "The
and freedom would only be a patriots... "³ In Abraham Lincoln's Star-Spangled Banner."
dream. Because the veterans fought, famous Gettysburg Address, he 3 From Thomas Jefferson to William
the bells of freedom rang out. commissioned the world to never Stephens Smith, 13 November
forget the deeds of the soldiers who
Through the following years, gave their lives on the battlefield. 1787. Founders Online, National
great men and women toiled, He was right in doing so. Yes, Archives, https://founders.archives.
gov/documents/Jefferson/0 I-12-02-
labored, and strove to establish the veterans are important, both those 0348.
foundation of our nation. However, who lived and those who died. We
our nation was young, and our have a duty to remember, to respect 4 Tolkien. J. R. R. 2005. The
freedom was not secure. There were and to live lives worthy of their Two Towers. London, England:
those who would try to silence the sacrifice. Because of these veterans, HarperCollins.
Lubbock Senior Link 105