Page 49 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 49

                                                                                                   WWii /koreA

             much, because                                                             store in Shallowater called
             the Filipinos did                                                         Trustworthy Hardware.
             most of the work.                                                         I stayed there for 27 1/2
                                                                                       happy years and sold the
             “Then we were                                                             business in September 2005,
             sent to South                                                             when I finally retired at 80
             Korea as part                                                             years old.”
             of the Army of
             Occupation.                                                               Terry and Faye settled in
             The Russians                                                              Lubbock, where they still
             controlled North                                                          reside. They laugh when
             Korea. I was                                                              they mention that their
             sent back to the                                                          preacher sometimes refers
             U.S. on the USS                                                           to them as “a perfect pair
             General W.H.                                                              of Parrs.” It’s easy to see
             Gordon (AP-117)                                                           why. Terry is well into his
             on August 23, 1946, and arrived in Portland, Oregon   tenth decade, and his (and Faye’s) stories are not
             on September 5. I took a train to San Antonio, Texas   only delightful to listen to, they are saturated with
             where I was discharged at Ft. Sam Houston on        observations and wisdom and lessons learned. When
             October 31. I took a bus to Childress, and my mom   Terry Parr says, “Not much,” you might want to get
             and dad picked me up.”                              comfortable.

             “I went back to Arlington to resume my degree
             in education at North Texas Agricultural College,
             where I was also in the Army Cadets.” His wife Faye
             added, “I met Terry at North Texas State Teachers
             College. I was taking a square dance class during
             summer school, and he came walking in. He joined
             the dance, and we started talking.” Terry said, “That
             was the best thing that ever happened to me!” The
             couple married on September 5, 1949. Early in their
             marriage, they had one boy and one girl. Eleven
             years later they had twin girls! Terry transferred to
             Texas A&M where he earned a degree in education.

             “I was teaching school in Groom when the Korean
             War broke out (in June 1950.) I was still in the Army
             Reserve and was called back into the service on
             November 24, 1950. I was sent to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma
             and went to artillery school from January to
             March 1951. I taught troops there and was finally         Get the vehicle you really want at a great deal, but
             discharged from active duty as a 1st Lieutenant on        with the best ownership experience in the industry.
             September 5, 1952.”                                       Locally owned and operated with locations in Slaton,
                                                                       Levelland, and Plainview, Texas.
             After his second stint in the Army, Terry worked as a
             Territory Manager for John Deere in Dallas, Corpus
             Christi, and Lubbock. “I went to work for Gifford-
             Hill Concrete in 1964 and worked in Lubbock;
             Scottsbluff, Nebraska; Clovis, New Mexico; and
             Garden City, Kansas. I wound up buying a hardware

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