Page 77 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 77


                                               Center, Nettie met a teacher
                                               named Darla Dunn.* After hearing
                                               about Nettie’s extracurricular
                                               ministry, Darla approached her
                                               about participating. Darla and
                                               her husband Charley wanted to
                                               commit financially to help Nettie
                                               care for needy families, in memory
                                               of Darla’s son Stephen Starch,* a
                                               U.S. Border Patrol agent who had
             Calvin & Nettie Edwards and Family  been killed in the line of duty.   Helping AKA mentoring group
                                                                                 with community service
            achieve are still precious to me.   That was 1997. Today, the Rising   have much, but we always had
            We worked hard and maintained a    Star Stephen Starch Food Box       support, and we always knew
            level of excellence I am proud of to   Ministry does so much more     we were loved.” Perhaps that
            this day.”                         than deliver groceries. They have   is why she empathizes so well.
                                               been able to buy new shoes and     2 Corinthians 1:4 (MSG) says:
            The Edwards’ children also found   clothes for children, pay rent and   [God] comes alongside us when we
            themselves in successful careers—  utilities for families in need, and   go through hard times, and before
            Vicki as a chemical engineer for   are even providing scholarships for   you know it, He brings us alongside
            Dow and Victa as a dentist. Nettie   deserving young ladies.          someone else who is going through
            worked a few more years as a                                          hard times so that we can be there
            mentor principal, consultant at    Calvin passed away in 2003, but    for that person just as God was there
            the Education Service Center, and   Nettie continues to live and love.   for us. That explains who Nettie
            as an adjunct professor teaching   She has embraced her calling to    Edwards is.
            Classroom Management at LCU.       “care for people.” Regarding the
                                               tragic upheaval she suffered as a   *Read this story in the Winter 2021 issue
            Some people retire. Some people    young child, she said: “We didn’t   of Senior Link.
            retread. Nettie
            Edwards has
            never really
            stopped working.
            And she has never
            stopped helping
            people. For most
            of the years she
            was teaching or
            she was also
            providing for
            the neediest of
            the children and
            families. Her
            church, Rising
            Star Baptist,
            joined her in
            gathering food
            and clothing
            which she,
            Calvin, and
            church volunteers

            At one of her
            at the Service

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