Page 69 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 69


          not prepared my own important      began exercising and eating better.   nothing that even the Cardiac ICU
          documents. Fortunately, my         I dropped forty pounds; I could    could do if I had a heart attack, I did
          situation developed slowly enough   walk for miles, and all seemed well.   not see much difference between
          that I had the chance to address my   Things seemed so well, in fact, that   the floor of my office or the floor of
          shortcomings before it was too late.  I STILL did not attend to my estate   the CICU and left anyway.
                                             planning. Maybe it was denial,
          Around Spring Break of 2015, I     possibly euphoria, or simply hubris,   Luckily for all involved, I got my
          rented some scaffolding and a      but getting my papers in order did   will, financial and medical powers
          couple of chainsaws to trim some   not even enter my mind. Not even   of attorney, HIPAA release, and
          trees in the yard. For several     when the old ache returned after   directive done by ten o’clock that
          days, I assembled a twelve-foot    a few weeks did I begin to think   night, returned to the hospital
          platform under a tree, lugged ten-   that maybe all that advice I had   early Friday morning, and ended
          and fifteen-pound chainsaws to     been giving to clients about estate   up successfully undergoing the
          the top, cut limbs, carried off the   planning applied to me.         procedure late Friday afternoon.
          branches and logs, took down the                                      Due to the prayers and good
          scaffolding, and moved to the next   Within two days, I began struggling   wishes of my church family, I had
          tree and started all over again. Two   to complete a very light workout at   a miraculous recovery and was
          or three times, I noticed an ache in   the cardiac rehabilitation facility,   discharged Tuesday morning. I
          the left side of my neck spreading   and during my next visit, I became   continue to advise my clients to
          to my shoulder. I didn’t think much   nauseous and started sweating   take care of their estate planning
          about it, figuring that I had pulled a   after ten minutes on a stationary   as soon as they can but that they
          muscle or something.               bike. On my way home, I reported   should consider my story a warning
                                             my symptoms to a nurse at my       and not a template. If anything,
          Over the next week or two, I       cardiologist’s office, and late that   they should understand that it’s not
          noticed the ache as I hustled      afternoon, my cardiologist called   too late … until it is.
          across a parking lot or just dried   and rudely
          off vigorously after a shower;     told me to get
          it seemed like I was always in a   my posterior
          hurry. After two or three weeks,   into her office
          the ache began to spread down my   immediately.
          left arm after even a little activity.   Late on a
          As Easter approached, I had to sit   Thursday
          down and rest a little after even   evening, she
          modest activity. During an Easter   informed
          trip, I found that I could walk only   me and my
          a couple of blocks before I had    wife that I
          to sit down to catch my breath     would not
          and wait for the ache to go away.   live through
          Knowing the portents, I scheduled   the weekend
          a stress test as soon as I was back   unless I had a
          in Lubbock. I failed miserably.    triple bypass.
          Afterwards, I laid on the gurney   But since a
          for a good twenty minutes before   surgeon would
          I was ready to walk to the car and   not be available
          drive home. By the first week in   until Saturday,
          May, I was in the Catheter Lab at   I decided,
          University Medical Center, listening   against her
          to my cardiologist and her team    advice, to go
          unsuccessfully trying to install three   back to the
          stents.                            office and
                                             finally get done
          Even so, the angioplasty had       what I had been
          cleared 80% of the blockage in each   putting off.
          of the three problem arteries, and   Since she had
          I had a new lease on life. I was in   already told me
          much better physical condition than   that there was
          I had thought and immediately

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