Page 68 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 68
Than I • Have you ever had a broken
Thought • Have you ever had fears of the
unknown? Health? Marriage?
Emotional health?
by Nancy Ormon • Have you ever felt so tired you
didn’t think you could take even
f you are a journaling same man, who was having lunch one more step because what you
person, you will understand with another pastor and their were going through was just too
Ihow God can take something wives. I stopped by and thanked hard?
so simple and turn it into a him again for the information he
message that can be profound had given me and told him I was My story is a story of healing
and life giving to others. I started still praying about it. He pulled and hope. Divorce, diagnosis
journaling letters to God in 2006. up a chair for me and asked me of Multiple Sclerosis, loss of a
It became something addicting to to sit for a few minutes. He began child, acute renal failure were
me as an early morning routine. to talk with me about how many only a few things that God took
Little did I know it would be times God says, “I will” in the me through. I give you great
the foundation of the book I Bible, and then he started asking life lessons, with some powerful
just released on Amazon called me questions. He asked me if I acronyms, that you can apply
Stronger Than I Thought. had a lot of notes written down to your everyday life. It gives
you a way to seek God for your
about my experiences with God,
In late June of 2010, Darrel and I told him I did. He told me I purpose, regardless of age.
Ferguson, a well- known Elder to needed to start writing and that,
the Pentecostal Church of South when I did, God would help my
Africa, visited our church and sat writing flow. This quote truly excites me for
beside me. During worship, he you:
leaned over and whispered to me, In September 2021, it was time “Even in the worst time of life, if you
“God says: ‘I will.’” I thanked him to share my story. My dining are still breathing, that means you
for sharing this information and room table turned into a plethora are still alive. If you are still here,
prayed under my breath for God of journals, sticky notes, pens, you haven’t accomplished what is
to show me whether He had truly and several Bibles. By October, still to be accomplished. The most
spoken to this man and, if He I was ready to send my book to important part of your life is still
had, what ‘I will’ meant. an editor for the next steps. It ahead of you.”
happened so fast, it was a blur,
A few days later, I went to lunch and I KNEW it was God. —Andy Andrews
with a friend. We ran into this
68 Lubbock Senior Link