Page 17 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 17

In 2004, Dr. Salem established the
         Michael DeBakey, M.D., Distinguished       In 2017, Dr. Salem received    seen the AJ article online and
         Lectureship Series. The program            a heartwarming letter from a   recognized the name Hub Hyatt
         has brought some of the most               stranger. This is the amazing   as the soldier who had saved his
         distinguished medical pioneers to          backstory:                     father’s life. PFC Glenn Kirkbride
         Lubbock – men like Dr. DeBakey                                            had been shot, and Lt. Hyatt
         himself, Dr. Ben Carson, and               The Lubbock AJ printed a detailed   picked him up and was carrying
         another of Dr. Salem’s mentors, Dr.        report by staff writer Ray     him to safety when he himself
         Denton Cooley. Every single lecture        Westbrook of his interview with   was killed. Mr. Kirkbride, Sr.
         is preserved in a high-tech video          Dr. Ted Hartman, who had been   survived, went on to enjoy a 62-
         platform that allows anyone to listen      a teenage tank driver in WWII.   year marriage and a successful
         to a particular presentation. Not only     Dr. Salem was so moved by the   career, father four children, and
         is Dr. Salem’s story preserved for         tribute article about his colleague   is still thriving at the age of 96.
         posterity, but the lectureship series      that he wrote a letter to the editor,   Glenn, Jr. expressed his heartfelt
         provides rare access to some of the        thanking Mr. Westbrook for the   thanks for the heroic action of
         most innovative thinkers in medicine.      piece. In his letter, Dr. Salem   Lt. Hyatt and wanted his nearest
         The legacy is priceless. Dr. Salem has     mentioned his uncle Hub Hyatt   relative, Dr. Salem, to know.
         the highest respect for his parents, and   who was killed during the Battle   The Kirkbride family had been
         his lifetime of achievements confirm       of the Bulge, March 1, 1945.   waiting 72 years to express their
         the integrity of the foundation they       Months later, he received a letter   gratitude to Hub’s family. Every
         laid. The benefit to West Texas is         in the mail from Glenn Kirkbride,   story has a back story, especially
         incalculable.                              Jr. The Arizona resident had   the epic ones.

                   MICHAEL POSTAR’S


           Lubbock Veterans


          Texas South Plains

                Honor Flight

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