Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 44
Tom Creek Medal of Honor for
18-Year-Old Marine
by Kris Creek
jobs. Tom and Ross Jr. Roy to reconsider joining the
did the roofing for their Marines. In the fall of 1968,
father. Once, when they he wrote: "I can't hear at all
were roofing the barracks at out of my right ear because of
the Amarillo airbase in the this damn place … I have scars
mid-1960s, Ross Jr. slipped all over my face from bombs
and begin sliding and could and gun powder, and I look
have been seriously injured. like I am 40 years old. I smoke
Just as he reached the edge three packs of cigarettes a day
of the roof, Tom reached because my nerves are so shot
out and grabbed his brother that I can't even hold a cup in
and saved his life. He acted my hand."
like it was nothing.
In a letter to his mother and
Tom had various jobs, father on June 25, 1968, he
including driving an ice wrote, "Mother, don't cry
cream truck, pumping anymore. I'll come back home,
gas and working in a okay? Just don't worry about
restaurant. He worked me. I sure love you and daddy,
at Denny's Restaurant on and I don't want you to cry for
Route 66 in Amarillo. He me all the time. I think about
om Creek was born worked hard and earned you all the time." He told his
on April 7, 1950 in enough to pay for the first and mother that he couldn't wait
TJoplin, Missouri. Ross only car he ever bought. It until he got home, and he was
and Bobbie Creek had three was a black and white Ford going to eat ice cream and
sons – Ross, Jr., Tom and Fairlane. drink a coke every day.
Roy. They grew up very Tom dropped out of Palo Duro Tom earned the nickname
poor. When he was a child, High School as a junior and "Billy the Kid" from his fellow
Tom and his family moved joined the Marines. Younger Marines because he was
from Joplin back to Amarillo, brother, Roy, dreamed of being so young but had killed so
Texas. He attended Forest Hill a Marine. Tom didn't want many people. Tom's platoon
Elementary, Horace Mann Roy to join, and he sent letters
Middle School and Palo Duro home stating that and trying to
High School. Tom's friends discourage him. Tom wrote:
in Amarillo described him as "Dad, tell Roy to be careful and
cool and courageous, “In his stay out of the USMC. It's bad.
youngest years, this courage I don't like it like I thought I
was exhibited in a youthful would."
brashness that occasionally
landed him in trouble. In Tom was promoted to Private
the military, however, it was First Class on June 1, 1968, and
transformed into bravery that he first set foot in Vietnam on
he revealed in a selfless display July 4, 1968, as a rifleman with
of brotherhood for his fellow Company E, 2nd Battalion, 27th
Marines.” * Marines, Regimental Landing
Team 27,1st Marine Division.
Ross Creek, Sr. was a truck Once he started taking part in
driver, and he also took roofing
the war, he continued to beg
44 Senior Link