Page 73 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 73


          MUSIC,                                        MUSIC AND                                        Inspiration

                                                        MORE MUSIC

                                                                                   by Jess Peterson
            Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the
            Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!  Psalm 100:1-2

         During the Covid-19 Virus     different audiences, I try to   that made memories for us in
         shut-down, I have been        vary my programs each month   our younger years. A certain
         organizing my piano music.    to hit somebody’s hotspot. And   song might recall a particular
         I have sorted it by genre and   I find that those hotspots differ   event in life or a particular
         copyright date and put each   as the years go by.           relationship. This is true of
         song on a spreadsheet with                                  pop music as well as gospel
         a description and location so   When I first began performing   music. We worship, to a large
         that I can easily find it again if   at senior adult venues, it was   extent, through our memories,
         I need it.                    always the music of the 1930s   and music can revive so many
                                       and 1940s that people wanted   memories for us – memories
         As of my current calculation,   to hear. I am finding that   of both good and difficult
         I have over 1,200 songs in my   this is no longer true. In fact,   times. The same can be said
         possession – either for piano or   many of our oldest generation   of the visual arts (paintings,
         guitar or on karaoke. Many of   don’t remember those songs   sculpture, photography,
         these songs are for more than   anymore. They were too young   etc.) And what can be more
         one instrument, some for all   or not even born when those   touching than a dramatic
         three. Some songs have more   songs were first released.    performance that hits where
         than one version. If you looked                             the heart has been?
         through my music library, you   Last year, I began doing a
         would find Broadway hits,     program of pop music from     So, today, make a joyful
         country, folk music, classical,   sixty years ago. I was amazed   noise unto the Lord, whether
         easy listening, gospel, pop,   at the response I received,   through your own talent or
         opera and more. The songs     especially as I asked my      through appreciating the
         range from the year 1500 to   audience to recall where they   talents of others! And be
         2013, with heavy emphasis on   were in 1959. “That was the   thankful for the gifts of music
         the 1920s to 1960s.           year I graduated from high    and the arts that fill you with a
                                       school.” “That was when I got   lifetime of memories!
         Obviously, music is important   married.” “I was in my first
         to me and one of the things   full-time job then.” And the
         that keeps me going. I love to   music I was singing was what
         share music with others and   they listened to and loved!
         thank the Lord for providing
         me the ability to do that.
         Because I sing and play for   I find the music that is most
                                       important to us is the music

            Be filled with the Spirit, addressing
            one another in psalms and hymns and
            spiritual songs, singing and making   Ephesians 5:19
            melody to the Lord with your heart.

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