Page 70 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 70

provide grants of more than       Origin of a Dream On Pointe A Tribute to Suzanne Aker
         $55,000 in tuition assistance each
         year, sponsor specialized classes
         for students with autism and     “I had to start Ballet Lubbock. It was   Aker illustrated
         Downs Syndrome, host special     necessary.”                           several children’s
         performances for LISD and area   - Suzanne Aker                        books and is an
         schools, and donate more than                                          accomplished
         4,000 performance tickets to                                           icon artist, with
         our neighbors who otherwise      Suzanne Aker founded Ballet Lubbock   icons hanging
         may never see the beauty of live   in 1969. The debut performance was   in churches
         dance. We work every day to be   a collaboration with the Texas Tech   throughout the
         a relevant and integral part of the   Symphony Orchestra and the Amarillo   United States and
         greater Lubbock area’s cultural   Civic Ballet. As the Avalanche-Journal’s   the world. Until
         community.                       Jack Sheridan stated, “It was an evening   recently, Suzanne
                                          that was not only the beginning of a new
                                                                                hand-painted over
            by Author Name                era of culture in Lubbock, but also a night   200 Nutcracker and Angel Ornaments
            Chairman of some job that requires a
         Through all of these efforts,    to remember and a pattern set for the   each year to support Ballet Lubbock.
            little blurb here
         Ballet Lubbock impacts over 600   future.”
         students on a weekly basis and                                         Ms. Aker has been honored in many
         performs for more than 13,000    Suzanne Aker did, indeed, begin a new   areas, including being named one of the
         audience members annually. But   era.                                  Notable Women of Texas and receiving
         we measure our success not by our                                      the Chamber of Commerce Pathfinder
         number of students or audience   Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Ms. Aker     Award, Who’s Who of America, Who’s
         members, but by the relationships   holds a B.A. Degree in Art and English   Who of American Women, and the
         we cultivate and the lives we    from Tulsa University and taught dance   National Dance Plaudit Award from
         change. We envision an inclusive   professionally for over 50 years. She   National Dance Association. She was even
         community, transformed by art,   holds a Teacher Certification from the   the ninth person inducted into the Buddy
         embracing dance as an enriching   Royal Academy of Dance in England and,   Holly Hall of Fame. In 1998, Ms. Aker
         and integral part of life. We want   in addition to founding Ballet Lubbock,   was honored as the first recipient of the
         to bring the power of art to all   was instrumental in the earliest days of   Founders Award for Outstanding Service
         people of the South Plains. The   the Department of Dance at Texas Tech   to Youth. Texas Tech University has
         exciting part is that we’re just   University.                         presented Ms. Aker with its Certificate for
         getting started.                                                       Outstanding Choreography four times,
                                          Outside of the dance world, Suzanne   and her portrait now hangs on the walls
                                                                                of the School of Theatre and Dance to
                                                                                commemorate her many contributions to
                                                                                the development of the School.

                                                                                Suzanne, however, would claim her
                                                                                greatest successes have occurred off
                                                                                the stage. Her greatest success is her

                                                                                “She allowed us to be who we were and
                                                                                dream even more.”
                                                                                - Shelly Cummins

                                                                                “One of Suzanne’s true gifts as a
                                                                                teacher is seeing not only the dancer,

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