Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 15
and would Director was more than a full-time he has had an outstanding Board
be using. For job. of Directors at LEPAA, but he
example, Rob was at the epicenter of it all. To
was aware that The result of these coordinated say that Rob is passionate about
the Lubbock discussions was quite impressive. Buddy Holly Hall would be just as
Independent The building’s construction budget much an understatement as saying
School District expanded from $86 million to he is “just an old country boy from
was looking $155 million, growing the main West Texas”. Buddy Holly Hall
to build a theater to 2,200 seats and also will have as much impact on the
performing adding a small theater for LISD future of Lubbock as Texas Tech
arts center use; administrative offices and five has had over the past 90+ years.
for its students to use. Why not dance studios for Ballet Lubbock; a It is a one-of-a-kind facility due
use Buddy Holly Hall for this 6,000 square foot, divisible multi- to its close relationships with
purpose? purpose room; and a full-service LISD, Ballet Lubbock, United
restaurant with seating capacity Supermarkets and LSO, and it
In addition to LISD, Ballet for 110 people. More importantly, is already receiving world-wide
Lubbock needed more and better Buddy Holly Hall is now expected attention. Rob saw this potential
dance studios for its fast-growing to have over 250,000 visitors and from the beginning and is doing
student base and programming. patrons every year and is projected his very best to make it a reality.
What better venue for this than to be a profitable performing arts
the world class facilities of Buddy center. Now retired as Executive Director
Holly Hall? And if you are of LEPAA, Rob is remaining as
planning to have students in the Rob Allison certainly did not do a Special Consultant until the
building seven days a week, as this alone. He has been working building opens this summer. No
well as the families who follow with a world-class development, one has been more passionate
and watch their shows, you should design and construction team, and about Buddy Holly Hall than
have a full-service restaurant,
so Rob began discussions with
United Supermarkets to run all
food services, including catering
for events and concessions for
All of these negotiations had to be
coordinated, and the impact on
the physical design of the building
had to be considered. Working
closely with the BHH design
team and as Executive Director
of LEPAA, Rob was the orchestra
leader of this entire effort. And
speaking of orchestras, Rob was
also coordinating the effort of the
Lubbock Symphony Orchestra to
become a resident tenant of Buddy
Holly Hall. Needless to say, Rob’s
“part-time” position as Executive
Lubbock Senior Link 15