Page 113 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 113
The American Veteran
by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Dr. Bernhard Mittenmeyer Inspiration
rom the founding of have the audacity to dishonor Walter Huffman, Edgar
our great nation, the them. Before coming home Murphy, Annette Sobel
FAmerican Veteran has from my tour with the 101 and Gary Harber have
been and always will be an Airborne Division in Vietnam all been instrumental in
essential cornerstone of our in 1969, I was advised not accomplishing these goals.
freedom. to wear my uniform on the
flight. I couldn’t believe it. I would like to add one
As in few other nations in Time has healed my feelings additional thought on how to
the world, our veterans come since then, and I will always honor our military men and
from all walks of life, all races be proud, especially as an women. The answer is to
and all religions to serve. immigrant, to have served FLY OUR FLAG, the Star-
They are mostly humble our nation in uniform. Spangled Banner, daily. It
men and women who have has been and will continue
served since our nation’s We are duty-bound to honor to be fought and died for. As
inception during peace or all of the men and women a fortunate immigrant boy
war in whatever assignment who have served us. How and a retired soldier, I am
was demanded of them. can we better recognize saddened by how few “Stars
Hundreds of thousands and thank them? We must and Stripes” fly on a daily
made the ultimate sacrifice do more to support them. basis. It is so great to see it
or sustained injury, both Although 45,000 veteran waving in shopping centers,
physical and mental - from organizations exist in the US, government buildings and
our initial battles for the and the federal government public institutions, but why
establishment of our “United spends $3 billion every year is it not flying at our homes?
States of America” and to treat veterans and soldiers The flag represents all
throughout our continued suffering from PTSD, 22 Americans and symbolizes
quest for freedom for our veterans still commit suicide everything our veterans and
citizens and hope for a world every day and many become men and women in uniform
where freedom reigns. addicted to drugs or alcohol. risk their lives for. And it
serves as a memorial to
Our veterans, while on active Four projects have been those who made the ultimate
duty and after retirement, initiated locally: Ground sacrifice. The military of
have asked little for their has been broken for the new all branches do not serve
service and heroism, for VA Super Clinic on Texas just “on holidays”. They
what they have done or were Tech land across from the served and still serve daily
ordered to do to ensure our Health Sciences Center. to keep our nation free. Let
freedom. They willingly put Texas Tech Chancellor (and us all honor them and thank
their lives on the line for us veteran) Dr. Tedd Mitchell’s them for their service and
and for millions more in the help and influence has sacrifice. Let’s fly our “Stars
free world. expedited this project. and Stripes” with pride and
Three other projects on the gratitude.
Our nation would not and horizon include a Veterans’
could not be what it is today Cemetery, a Veterans’ Home
without their valor and and a Veterans’ Court. My
sacrifice. Shame on all who fellow retired Generals -
Lubbock Senior Link 113