Page 69 - Summer 2019 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine - Online Magazine
P. 69

during his illness. She only said,   I have not known Christine for    husband, Tom.  Still, she remains
          “I made a vow ‘in sickness and in   very long, but I have found her to   strong and independent.
          health’.”  Sixty-two years did not   be so very kind and friendly.  She
          diminish her love and commitment.   always has a smile on her face     -Sharon Nelson
                                              and a twinkle in her eyes.  Since
          -Becky Williams                     we are both widows, Christine is
                                              an empathetic listener whenever    Robbie and Christine were so much
                                              I share my feelings of loss of my   older than me and left home while
          How special it is to have Christine   beloved husband.                 I was a child. The times I remember
          Williams for a friend!  Recently                                       best are the Thanksgivings we
          describing our Sunday School        -Cindy Abernathy                   spent together. Christine always
          class to a prospective member, I                                       enjoys having a house full; it is a
          said “...and I can’t wait for you                                      time when she can go around and
          to meet Christine...she’s so much   Christine is my new friend of one   catch up with everyone.  After
          fun!”  And she is!  Her sweet       and a half years. I am part of a   we eat, we traditionally watch
          laugh is absolutely contagious,     Sunday lunch bunch. I met her and   the Cowboys and decorate the
          and the mischievous twinkle in      two other ladies in
          her eye when she’s on the verge     2017 on a Sunday
          of good-natured teasing (even if    when I was really
          you’re the object of that teasing) is   down. I have
          a delight!  There’s a serious side to   learned how much
          Christine, too.  The last few years   she loves the Lord
          have presented many challenges,     and that she has
          but Christine has remained          a sense of humor.
          faithful.  Her Christian walk is an   She was willing to
          inspiration!                        help me last year
                                              with doctor visits
          -Linda Ricks                        after my surgeries.
                                              Christine has had
                                              a tough year also,
          Christ’s light shows through        but she never complains.           Christmas tree. Later, Christine
          Christine. She has a zest for                                          can usually be found on the couch
          life, evidenced by her thirst for   -Sharla Jones                      taking a nap, so we take pictures
          knowledge and willingness to share                                     of her sleeping.  Christine visits
          what she has learned. When I think                                     us at Thanksgiving, and we go to
          of her, I always think of her smile   Christine is a spunky little lady   Lubbock in May, so we can see each
          and quick wit. I have watched her   who knows her own mind, and        other every six months. Sometimes
          eyes fill with tears of sorrow when   she doesn’t hesitate to share her   we take vacations together.  On
          speaking of her late husband, Tom,   thoughts when occasions arise.    one trip, we visited the Creation
          even as she expresses gratitude     Those who know her see that she    Museum and the Ark. There was
          for the years they had together. I   is full of wisdom and compassion.    a lot to see, and Christine would
          have also seen her eyes glisten with   She is one of the most faithful   stop and read all the information
          delight as she shares memories,     Christians I have ever known.      cards. We would have to stop and
          experiences, and most often, when   She would never compromise         wait for her to catch up. I treasure
          she speaks about Jesus. Christine’s   her principles.  Christine is fun   the conversations we have over the
          faith is unwavering.                and full of life and laughter, but   telephone; we have laughed, and
                                              she feels deeply and has suffered   even cried many times. She has
          -Joanne Neill                       greatly with the loss of her precious   helped me when I needed help.

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