Page 66 - Summer 2019 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine - Online Magazine
P. 66


                                              A MODERN

                                              GOOD SAMARITAN

                                              Llwlyn Walker

                                                by Kandy Persall

                                              “One cannot define a neighbor. One can only be a neighbor.”
                                              ~Franz Leenhardt

                                              emphasizes that Llwlyn isn’t merely   made me feel like ‘one of the family.’
                                              neighborly toward her but to all    As a shy high school girl, I went to
                                              who have a need.                    Llwlyn’s house on Friday nights to
         The best example of this truth                                           ‘hang out’ while Vickie was out on a
         arrived in Lubbock in the early      Llwlyn and Jerry’s daughters agree.   date. Llwlyn mothered me through
         1950s. Newly-wed to Texas Tech       “Mother fed so many people,”        trials as well as joy.”
         football star, Jerry Walker (Best    explains Terrie Phillips of Lubbock.
         Player Border Conference 1953 and    “Everyone enjoyed her wonderful     Kirk Roark, formerly of Lubbock
         All-American on the Williamson       cooking and gracious attitude.      chimed in. “I was ‘adopted by
         National Rating System 1953 and      My sister and I learned how to be   Llwlyn’ in 1973 when Terrie began
         1954), Llwlyn (pronounced “El-       hostesses through Mom’s example.”   babysitting my sister, Kristi, and
         win”) slipped into our community                                         me. One of my fondest memories
         quietly at the age of nineteen.      “Yes, Mom is all about hospitality,”   was being with Llwlyn and Jerry at
         While Jerry’s                                   adds daughter Vickie     First Baptist Church on Wednesday
         personality and                                 Moore of Dalhart. “We    nights.”
         stature loomed                                  always — and I mean
         large until his                                 always — had people      Llwlyn was there when Karen
         passing at age                                  stay with us. Wayward    Henderson went on her first mission
         52, it is Llwlyn                                cousins, old boyfriends,   trip. “Later, when I felt unsure about
         who remains                                     visiting preachers, dear   leading Bible study, it was Llwlyn
         among us as                                     friends, furloughing     who became my encouraging
         a beautiful                                     missionaries, a          second mom,” Karen recalls. “She is
         testimony of                                    girl from Buckner        such an angel in my life.”
         a true South                                    Children’s Home
         Plains neighbor.                                — our house was          When Laney Wootten moved to

                                                         everyone’s home.”        Lubbock to lead worship, Llwlyn
         Bob and                                                                  adopted her family as well. “She
         Charlotte                                       One of Vickie’s          basically mothered me while my
         Moody moved down                                elementary classmates    own mother lived eight hours
         the block from Jerry                            fondly remembers         away,” observed Laney. “I grew
         and Llwlyn in 1972,                             that hospitality. Linda   into marriage and motherhood with
         while both families                             VanSlyke Schroeder,      Llwlyn as my safe haven. She was
         were in the busy years                          now of Woodlands,        my lifeline during that very heavy
         of raising children and                         California reminisces,   season of my life.”
         paying bills. They’ve                           “My own mother died
         shared casseroles,                              when I was seven, so     Laney’s sister, Jeni Hagle, concurs.
         laughter, and even a                            I enjoyed playing at     “I stayed with Llwlyn once when
         birthday club through                           Vickie’s house. They     there wasn’t enough room for our
         the years. But Charlotte

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