Page 57 - Summer 2019 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine - Online Magazine
P. 57

In 2018, Florence came to live                                         “I was hired to teach English and
          with Marita, and I have been                                           Drama at my hometown high school.
          privileged to spend many                                               In 1953, Fred Littauer, whom I had
          hours getting to know her                                              been dating, asked me to marry him.
          and learn from her wisdom.                                             As the drama teacher in high school,
          Recently, I sat down to do                                             I wanted my wedding to be like
          a formal interview for the                                             none other. The students excitingly
          purpose of sharing her story.                                          organized the event as a huge senior
          Here it is in her own words:                                           play. One of the students wrote to
                                                                                 Life Magazine and invited them to
           “At age 7, I wrote a poem about                                       cover our wedding. Life accepted.
          my new baby brother. I took it                                         Two weeks before the wedding, they
          to the General Store and asked                                         sent a photographer and reporter to
          them to copy it on the duplicating                                     record all that took place before and
          machine, so I could send it to                                         during the ceremony. It was like a
          Wee Wisdom Magazine. Wee                                               Royal Wedding in Haverhill with
          Wisdom chose to print it in their                                      Queen Florence and Fred, her Prince
          magazine—making it my first                                            Charming. On May 18, 1953, copies
          published work.                                                            of Life arrived with a five-page

          “My parents owned a small                                                  spread titled, “Pupils Help a
          grocery store in Haverhill, MA.                                            Teacher Get Married.”
          There was an old neglected                                                 Happily married with
          shed in the backyard. The                                                  children, tragedy struck the
          neighborhood kids helped me                                                Littauer family with the loss
          clean it out, and I started my                                             of two sons from the same
          little school. I asked the owners                                          mysterious brain defect within
          of the meat market next door if                                            a three-year period. Florence,
          I could have some of the white                                             Fred—and daughters Lauren,
          paper that they used to wrap                                               age 7 and Marita, age 3—
          meat in. I tacked it to the wall                                           felt extreme hopelessness
          to use as a black board. Then,                                             and were filled with many
          I began to teach the material I                                            unanswered questions, which
          had in my head about what my                                               ultimately led them to a
          friends ought to know. They                                                personal relationship with
          eagerly came each summer                                                   Jesus Christ.
          morning and filled two old
          benches. Their parents were very                                           As a renowned public speaker,
          supportive and would even bring                                            Florence has traveled the
          lunches and other supplies.                                                world sharing with others
                                              “My aspirations of teaching English    encouragement for life’s
          “At age 8, my school teachers asked   at a glamorous coastal city were about   challenges, understanding of
          me to assist them to teach reading   to come true, as I was accepted to   personalities, and building
          to some of the children in my class.   teach in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.   relationships. She has written
          In high school, I concentrated on my   However, in January 1949, my    more than 40 books, including
          studies, and my efforts paid off. I   last semester of college, Dad died   Personality Plus, Silver Boxes,
          earned a scholarship to the University   suddenly. His death left my mom in a   Dare to Dream, and Behind the
          of Massachusetts. While there I     deep depression.  After graduating in   Personality—her autobiography.
          worked with the head of the Music   May, even though it was not what I   She was recently walking in an
          Department, and he taught me how to   had planned for my life, I moved back   airport in Dallas and saw her
          cast and direct musical comedies.    home to help Mom with the store.    newly re-released book, How to Get
                                                                                 Along with Difficult People, on the

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