Page 18 - Summer 2019 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine - Online Magazine
P. 18
Cindy Couch
The Role of a
by Kaytlyn Bunting
“Though she be but little, born without the ability to
she is fierce.” This quote from hear, and her dad contracted a full-time mother, and went on to
Cindy’s favorite playwright, William scarlet fever when he was 12, have four more children with her
Shakespeare, describes her perfectly. leaving him deaf as well. American husband before their divorce years
She is a spunky fireball with a heart Sign Language became Cindy’s first later.
of gold who has lived a very exciting language. She became accustomed
life and continues to change the lives to silence early in life. She says In the midst of raising five children
of everyone around her. that this upbringing affects her and balancing three jobs, Cindy
even now, and she catches herself went back to college at Wayland
Cindy Rankin Couch was born in losing focus when surrounded by Baptist University and double-
1951 to Tom and Dorisgean Rankin. too much noise. When she was majored in History and English with
From the beginning, Cindy’s life was five, she went to live with her a minor in Spanish. She graduated
different than most, as both of her grandparents, so she could learn in 1983 and soon took a job as a
parents were deaf. Her mom was to speak and interact with people reporter for the Floydada Hesperian.
before beginning Cindy always had a love for writing
school. She and enjoyed the opportunities
completed grade her job gave her. She particularly
school, graduated remembers writing many personal
from Lockney High stories of war veterans and accounts
School in 1969, and of their journeys. “I guess I have a
began college at way of making people talk,” Cindy
Texas Tech. She got recounted with a grin. “Many of
married when she them explained a lot about the war
was 20 and had her they saw that they hadn’t told their
first child when she families: their parents, wives, or
was 21. She did not children. I guess it was easier to tell
graduate from Tech me than it was to go through all of
because she became that.”
18 Lubbock Senior Link