Page 50 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 50

            I met Brooks                                          “The land
            after the war,     “I love you so much. I came        we farm is
            when he had       so close to starving to death       a loan from     in Brooks’ 1940 Chevrolet. He
            a toothache         in that prison camp, but if       God. Keep it    asked if my parents were home.
            and came to         you will fix good meals, I        clean. Treat it   He said, “I think we were made
            the Lubbock        won’t ever complain about          like family.”   for each other, and we would be a
            office where I          the grocery bills.”           After the       happy couple if you would marry
            was the dental                                        war, tractors   me. I want their blessings and for
            hygienist. He                                         were hard       them to love me like I love you.” I
            asked if he                                           to come by.     said, “Yes, yes! I love you, too.” We
            could take me home. I refused, but   Mr. Neisler, the farm equipment   received not only their blessings
            Dr. McCorkle said, “Next time he   dealer in Lubbock called Brooks    but a sincere appreciation for this
            comes in, let him take you home - I   and said, “Young man, you are our   gentleman’s courtesy. My parents
            like that guy!” On his next visit, he   hero! I told you to come back and   gave their assurance that they
            asked again, and I accepted. When   your tractor would be here for you.   would accept Brooks like a son.
            I started to give my address, he   Here it is with a planter and a lister   We married on Sept. 26, 1946. We
            interrupted. “That’s okay. I already   plow.”                         could not afford a big wedding
            followed the city bus to your                                         or honeymoon, but I know God
            house!”                            The Methodist                                  heard our sincere
                                               church played a big                            vows, for he has
            On our first date, I said, “Now that   part in our lives.                         blessed us with
            we are dating, let me introduce    Dr. H.I. Robinson,                             72 healthy happy
            myself. I am Beulah Raper. I was   pastor of Lubbock’s                            years. We have three
            born August 21, 1927, so that makes   FUMC was a                                  wonderful children –
            you five years older than me. I was   longtime friend and                         Jim, Judy and Jerry,
            born in Lamesa, and my dad and     counselor. Brooks is                           four grandchildren
            granddad were farmers like you.”   a 50-year member                               and three great-
            Brooks took me to a new steak      of Abernathy Lodge                             grandchildren.
            restaurant “The Jersey Lily”. I have   #1142, a 32nd degree
                              never liked      Mason, and a 50-                               On our wedding
                              meat, but I let   year member of all                            night, Brooks knelt
                              Brooks order     appendant bodies                               down by the bed, put
                              for me. That     of Freemasonry and                             my face between his
                              rare Prime       Order of the Eastern                           hands and said, “I
                              Rib was the      Star.                                          love you so much. I
                              worst meal I                                        came so close to starving to death
                              ever tried to     Before we married, we had many    in that prison camp, but if you
                              eat, as well     serious talks. We both wanted to   will fix good meals, I won’t ever
                              as the most      travel and to teach our children   complain about the grocery bills.”
                              expensive. I     to be good
                              spit most of it   Christians,
                              in my napkin.    good citizens,
                                               and proud
                              Brooks           Americans. We
                              received an      both agreed
                              Ag Eco degree    that constant
            from Texas Tech College and        communication
            was fortunate to be offered many   was first and
            excellent positions. But farming   foremost on
            was Brooks’ life, and he took great   our list.
            pride in making straight rows in
            a clean field. Even the bar ditches   One evening,
            were clean. His dad always said,   we were sitting

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