Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 46
Seeing the Dream Through
Bill Mason by Ted and Jody Wilson
producing and providing cattle feed night in a congregation for a week.
from corn, molasses, and cotton burrs He also helped with a mission in
which by then were illegal to burn. Reynosa, Mexico. And Donna and
From taking over that business after Bill ministered together with a team in
the death of Smith, to the purchase Brazil.
of the Quarterway Gin, so named
because it was approximately a One day, he was asked by his Gideon
quarter way between Plainview and group to deliver Bibles to H.L. Rowell,
Some five years ago, at an early Olton, the family business began who volunteered at the prison in
morning breakfast Bible study, I sat to prosper, with David joining the Tulia. In the process, he and a group
beside a gentleman with whom I business in 1978, and Steve the of Gideons from Plainview were
had become acquainted years earlier following year. soon ministering weekly at the Tulia
through Emmaus and Gideons. We prison, which they continued for
visited about prison ministry and the The younger generation ensured years. When the Wheeler Unit at
need for a chapel in the Formby Unit the upgrading and modernization Plainview was under construction as a
at Plainview. He then asked me if I of ginning systems, equipment, and rehabilitation unit, the Warden asked
would go with him to Lubbock to take marketing. Bill, along with twenty Bill and Rowell to set up a service.
some preliminary plans for a chapel to farmers, also added a grain elevator So, Bill arranged one for 2pm on
an architect firm to begin the process to the family business inventory. Bill Sunday, outside in the summer sun.
of constructing a chapel. Three years and Donna, along with their two sons, At the warden’s request, faith-based
later, the dream became reality. were honest and hard working. They programs and services were initiated,
thrived in their agribusinesses. Bill, and Bill found himself going with
Bill, aka Billy, Mason is a man of deep wondering why they succeeded when other volunteers into the unit six or
faith and quiet, persistent strength. other gins closed, was told by his seven times a week.
When he sets his mind on a goal, accountant, “It’s because the farmers
one can bank on the fact that it will trusted Donna.” We laughed, but Bill thought that the unit needed a
be accomplished. There is always truth is truth. chapel. First Baptist Church donated
something cooking at the fireside of the building that was moved into
Bill’s heart. The family dynamics changed over the compound with Bill’s persuasive
the years with Steve buying out his leadership. Jody and I have been
Bill started life 87 years ago at Apache, brother and selling the enterprise to blessed to minister weekly to inmates
Oklahoma. As a senior in high school, a group of farmers two years ago. As in that chapel for the past four years
a pretty, petite sophomore caught Bill prepared to pack up his office, he and see a few hundred come to the
his eye and captured his heart. In was asked by the new manager to stay Lord and be baptized.
January of 1952, he and Donna began and sell cotton. So, the octogenarian
a partnership that lasted over 60 works from 8:00 to 11:00 or so At a meeting in Austin, the state
years until her death in 2012. That marketing farmers’ cotton most work chaplain warned the volunteers not to
union produced four children, days. do too much, or they might get burned
Debra, David, Steve, and Mark, and out. That time did come for Bill. But
a double handful of grand and great Bill feels blessed and gives all credit that hasn’t kept him from having a
grandchildren. Debra taught in New to God. He is a man of deep faith. heart to share the gospel, behind the
Mexico and Mark is a plastic surgeon. The summer after one year in college, razor wire or on the outside. He often
David and Steve became part of the a co-op manager encouraged his strikes up conversations with men,
family business. employees to participate in Bible offering prayer and a Gideon New
reading and devotionals in the Testament. Some of these are men
After a year at Oklahoma A&M (now warehouse. And at a Youth for released from prison waiting to catch
Oklahoma State), Bill and Donna Christ crusade in 1951, Bill made the a bus home.
followed job opportunities, one commitment to follow Christ. Over
that led them to Hart, Texas in 1957 many years, he, Donna, and family A couple of attempts to provide a
keeping books for Hart Oil and Gas. were active in the Baptist church chapel next door at the Formby Unit
Following that, various agribusiness in Edmonson and First Baptist in did not materialize, but Bill is not
jobs led them back to the area in 1963 Plainview. Bill went on mission trips one to give up, especially a God-
where Bill kept books for Farmers to Colorado, and a memorable one given dream. So, when we hooked
Gin in Edmonson. Nine years later, to Montana, where he and seven up at the Bible study, I accompanied
the couple had an opportunity to farmers ministered in a community Bill to give some preliminary plans
form a partnership with Robert Smith with visitations and services each to architects and share the vision.
46 Lubbock Senior Link