Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 36

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          Senior                Senior

                                                    Emma Benavides Coronado

                                                    Mama’s Lessons

                                                    by Amanda Harvey

                  hen I was given the         The first one is the importance of
                  opportunity to write        having God in my life and always
         Wabout someone who                   having him come first. Every
         influenced me, the answer was easy:   morning, Mama starts her day
         my grandmother, Emma Benavides       with prayer, and the last thing
         Coronado (otherwise known as         she does before she closes her
         Mama). Since my parents worked       eyes and goes to sleep is to pray.
         long hours, I spent most of my       She teaches others about the love
         childhood with Mama.  We attended    of God, starting with her family.
         lots of church meetings and mass.     Because of this, I knew the sign of
         “Our” friends were gossiping         the cross before I knew my ABC’s.
         60-something women who spoke         Every week, I accompanied Mama
         Spanish, laughed loudly, drank       to church. I’d sit next to her in the
         a lot of coffee and nibbled daily    pews and watch her become her
         on their shared potluck lunches.     purest self. She focused on one thing
         Like most Hispanic grandmothers,     only: worshipping God. It was in
         Mama cooked large Mexican            those moments that I really began
         meals, watched her telenovelas       to appreciate all Mama has done for
         (soap operas), and babysat her       me. By bringing me closer to God    to make her children’s lives easier
         grandchildren with plenty of rules   each week, my grandmother also      by caring for their kids while they
         and a lot of love, always making     brought me closer to her. Our love   work. Each day, she ensures that
         sure we were well taken care of.     for God became something we had     we are fed, sometimes even doing
                                              in common.                          our laundry. Although she only
          Mama was supposed to be enjoying                                        attended school to the 6th grade, she
         her retirement, but my father’s      The second lesson that Mama         always looks over our homework. It
         job was relocated six hours away,    emphasized was to always make       was only recently that she confessed
         and my mother’s job required her     time for family. My grandmother     that she didn’t really know if our
         to work up to ten hours a day. So,   has demonstrated the importance     homework was even correct, but
         Mama stepped in to babysit and       of family through the love that     she checks it anyway.  Mama has
         soon became my best friend. She      she shows each of her children,     always been our biggest supporter.
         made lots of sacrifices for me, my   grandchildren and great-            Even at the age of 78, she is always
         sister and my cousins and taught     grandchildren. Mama shows this      front and center at every event,
         me a multitude of valuable lessons.   love through countless acts of     making sure we hear her cheers as
         Three really stand out:              kindness, and these acts don’t go   we are receiving awards, walking
                                              unnoticed. She is constantly trying

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