Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 12
Hampton of the strongest people we have very valuable to the team, we were
ever known although he had gaining a man who was just as
One of my favorite memories been fighting many diseases for valuable. Everyone on the team
with Granddad would be after a long time, but in early January was familiar with Granddad, so he
church when we would all go eat of 2016, he passed away—our fit in perfectly. Once things were
at Jason’s Deli. We would race to freshman year. Upon hearing the settled, the team got right to work
Granddad’s car because he would news, the team was devastated. because we knew that Coach Furr
let us drive to the restaurant. The We remember meeting with the wouldn’t want us to just sit around
lunch crowd usually numbered in team that night where we loved and mourn; he would want us to
the 20s with parents, grandkids, on Coach Furr’s family. The one start practicing and preparing for
and special guests from church, thing we all focused on was that, the season ahead of us.
and Granddad always paid. I even though we were stressed and
learned about generosity during anxious about what was going to Having our Granddad as our
these lunches. happen, we knew that God had coach was something that we
a plan, and we were going to be never imagined. It really put
okay. things in perspective for us. We
While we each have learned had a bond that the other girls
from Granddad, our best lesson A few days later, our Granddad didn’t get to experience. That was
was learned when we were all decided to take the job. After when we really saw the coaching
together. It takes us back to our mourning the loss of our coach, a side of him, and we knew that he
freshman year of high school, right sense of relief fell over us because really knew what he was talking
before we were about about. What
to start varsity softball made things a
together. We were little easier for
so ready for softball the team was
season to begin and that Granddad
so excited to play for always came
Coach Rick Furr. Like to practice
Granddad, Coach with a positive
Furr also had a great attitude. Before
coaching reputation every game,
and multiple Granddad
achievements. We would tell us,
had been practicing “If you look
with the team since good, you play
the seventh grade, good,” and
and it was finally our this would
turn to put on the encourage us
Lubbock Christian and calm our
High School jersey. nerves a little
The three of us had bit.
been playing softball Granddad has this goofiness that
together ever since we were in we knew that Granddad was the no one else does, and it cheers
Kindergarten, and it had always perfect man for the job. The rest of people up right away. Every day
been a dream to play together in the team felt relief as well because in practice, Granddad would
high school. Coach Furr was one although we lost a man who was coach us on the game and how to
12 Lubbock Senior Link