Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 61


             Jones spent the rest of his service on the         example to others.”  Mission accomplished,
             Karnes.  His memories include running into         Mr. Jones.
             a friend on one of the islands and another
             time “delivering a load of beer for the troops
             on liberty.” He still remembers when the
             ship “encountered a large typhoon and the
             bow (of the ship) would rise up out of the
             water and fall back down.”  The Karnes also
             took troops to Okinawa.  J.D. remembers
             that “two or three heavy cruisers were lined
             up and the big guns were booming (lobbing
             shells on the entrenched Japanese).”   “I
             saw Navy planes fly over the ships with
             bombs underneath, and a Kamikaze plane
             hit one of the ships.  A little boat put smoke
             around the big ships.  I also saw a destroyer
             chase a Japanese torpedo boat.  Later, we             R.D. found out about the Texas South
             left Okinawa and headed for the Hawaiian              Plains Honor Flight from a friend and
             Islands to practice for the invasion of Japan.        went on the 2014 flight.  He enjoyed the
             On the trip over, a coxswain and a radioman           Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the
             fell over the side and drowned.”  When the
             war ended in August 1945, “every ship horn            changing of the guard.
             went off in the Hawaiian Islands.”  Married
             men were allowed to go home; single men
             were not so lucky.  They were shipped out to       Remember This:
             Sasebo, Japan as part of the occupation.

             R.D. was discharged in 1946.  He took a train      A Participatory Performance Experience
             from San Francisco to Lubbock, then a taxi
             to Brownfield, where he noted that his “folks         Texas Tech’s Talkington College
             were real glad to see me.”  He began farming          of Performing Arts, the School of
             west of town.  He met his future wife, Delma          Theatre and Dance, the Department of
             Jean, at a drugstore.  They married in 1947.          Psychological Sciences, the Alzheimer’s
             He was 24; she was 15.  They had three boys           Association, and the CH Foundation
             and two girls.  One of his boys, Jerry, was
             working on a water hole for horses, and he            will host Remember This: A Participatory
             fell in and died.  Delma Jean died at the age         Performance Experience. Created and
             of 50 in 1982.  R.D. later married Elizabeth          produced by Genevieve DeCesaro and
             Jo Jones in 1983, but he outlived her as well.        Rachel Hirshorn-Johnston, it is designed
             She died in 2005.                                     to spotlight perceptions of dementia
                                                                   and promote a larger and louder public
             R.D. Jones has lived a full life, but the             conversation about people living with
             memories of his years sailing the Pacific are         dementia as well as those who care for
             still vivid. The Honor Flight helped bring            them.
             them all flooding back, making the trip
             itself a new memory. He said, “I cried at the         Consultants: Dr. Tyler Davis TTU
             welcome home we received in Lubbock.”                 Dept. of Psychological Sciences and
             When asked what he would like to be                   Dr. Annette Sobel TTU-Health Sciences
             remembered for, he said “to be a good                 Center
                                                                   For more information, please contact:

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