Page 110 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 110

Mike Querner
                                                               A Lifetime of Service

                                                               by Jenna Hightower

                                               getting a bachelor’s degree. Then,   programs to benefit current and
                                               in 1968, he made the decision to   retired members.”
                                               enlist in the Army shortly before   Upon his retirement from the
                                               the draft began for the Vietnam   Army, he returned to Lubbock
                                               War.                             where he found a job working at
                                                 “I decided to enlist before I got   South Plains Electric Cooperative
                                               drafted. I had always wanted a   (SPEC) as a meter reader.
                                               military career, but it came sooner   “When I retired from the Army,
                                               than I had planned,” Mike said. “I   I had a wife and two boys to take
                                               knew when I was a teenager that   care of and heard SPEC was hiring,”
                                               one day I would join the military.”  Mike said.  “I worked in just about
                                                 During his time in the Army,   every department including:
                                               Mike served in the Special Forces   service, underground construction
                                               as a Medical Specialist and was   and overhead construction; I
                                               later promoted to Combat Medic.   finally achieved the designation of
                                               He eventually achieved the rank of   journeyman lineman.”
                                               Staff Sergeant and graduated from   Working at the co-op turned
                                               officer candidate school in 1971.   out to be another form of service.
                                               He served in that capacity until he   When power goes out, it often takes
                                               retired in 1974.                 a group to restore it in a timely
                                                 Mike is still closely involved in   manner. For this reason, all linemen
                                               the Special Forces Association—a   are experienced in various divisions
                    ike Querner was born in    non-profit Veteran Service       of the co-op, and everyone helps
                    Temple, Texas on May 26,   Organization that has more than   out. That means the many linemen
            M1948. From a young age,          9,000 active members who belong   often head out in the most severe
            he spent time on his family ranches,   to 85 different chapters located   weather conditions to restore power
            helping work cattle, horses and   throughout the United States. He   to members.
            goats. He remembers working his   serves as the regional representative   “At the co-op, no one wears
            uncle’s ranch and traveling to South   for his region, which includes   just one hat; everyone helps with
            Texas for horse shows late in the   Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma.   everything. It was a good work
            summer. As a boy, he stayed busy   In this role, Mike serves as a liaison   environment, and just about
            with Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts,   between the chapter presidents and   everyone I worked with was very
            hunting for arrowheads, building   the SFA headquarters in Fort Bragg,   conscientious about the quality
            model airplanes and cars, and     North Carolina.                   of their work,” Mike said. “If it
            bow hunting with arrows he made     “When they started the          weren’t for cooperatives created by
            himself.                          liaison program in 2009, they     the Rural Electrification Act, many
              “I think when you do something   asked for volunteers to serve as   rural areas of this country would
            out of curiosity, you learn a lot from   representatives for each region.   not have gotten electricity.”
            it,” Mike said. “When I was young,   I applied, and for some reason,   Mike retired from SPEC in 2010
            I hunted for and taught myself to   they picked me,” he said with a   after 40 years of dedicated service
            make my own arrowheads.”                        humble laugh. He    to the cooperative members.
              The family                                    is well-suited for    Mike’s mother was a graduate
            moved to Lubbock                                the role, because his   of the University of Mary Hardin-
            when Mike was                                   passion runs deep   Baylor and was devoted to his
            nine years old. He                              for the projects    education. She loved poetry and
            attended Monterey                               sponsored by the    passed the appreciation for it on to
            High School and                                 organization. “They   her son. She often had her children
            then Texas Tech                                 sponsor programs    read, memorize and recite poetry
            University. He                                  for wounded         to her. From a young age, Mike
            majored in biology                              special forces’     read and wrote poetry, which
            and minored in                                  members and         would later contribute to one of his
            chemistry, with                                 their families and   greatest talents: Cowboy Poetry.
            intentions of going                             have scholarship      One evening, while watching
            on to medical or                                programs and        the ever-popular Johnny Carson
            dental school after                             several other       Show, Mike saw Baxter Black

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