Page 9 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2018- Online Magazine
P. 9

J.T. was gracious, humble, kind and   shareholder in American State Bank.    and South Plains College.  The
            loyal. He was a smart and shrewd   He received a multitude of awards for   Foundation has also provided grants
            businessman with a knack for making   his accomplishments and service to   for the building of the Dream Center,
            wise decisions.  Despite his successes,   Lubbock.                   the Community Health Center, Meals
            he never sought the spotlight.                                       on Wheels and a new Boys and Girls
                                              Both J.T. and Margaret believed in   Club in West Lubbock.  Many other
            Besides their successful business   encouraging leadership experiences   projects have also been funded and
            accomplishments, Margaret and J.T.   for young women. Margaret created   supported by the Foundation.
            worked tirelessly supporting the   “Young Ideas”, a juniors department
            Lubbock community.  They were     in her store to assist girls transitioning   As a former public school teacher,
            the ultimate power couple because   from high school to college. They   Margaret had a deep commitment
            of their gracious, generous and   held fashion shows over the years   to education.  In 2009, the Trustees
            influential work in making Lubbock   to raise money to support many   of the Lubbock Independent School
            a better place.  Through their actions,   Lubbock non-profit organizations and   District voted unanimously to rename
            they personified the Lubbock      to provide scholarships for young   the Young Women Leaders School
            Chamber of Commerce slogan of     women.                             to honor Margaret Talkington for
            the 1960’s, “Lucky Me, I Live in                                     her commitment to leadership, her
            Lubbock”.  During their lifetime,   In 1997, prior to J.T.’s death in 2005,   support of women, and her quiet,
            they were mostly anonymous in their   J.T. and Margaret                          behind-the-scenes
            charitable giving.                founded the J.T.                               financial support
                                              and Margaret                                   of many efforts to
            Margaret was a member of the      Talkington                                     enhance the lives of
            First United Methodist Church,    Charitable                                     children.
            The Women’s Club of Lubbock, the   Foundation,
            Texas Tech University Foundation   based in Lubbock.                             One of the joys of
            Board, Board of Directors of Lubbock   The purpose of                            my life has been the
            National Bank, and the Women’s    the Foundation                                 opportunity to have
            Division of the Lubbock Chamber   is “to enhance                                 J.T. and Margaret
            of Commerce, the Covenant         and benefit                                    Talkington as close
            Foundation, Lubbock Regional Art   the Lubbock                                   friends.  Margaret
            Center, and the Science Spectrum   community                                     was my mentor.  They
            Board. She was a lifetime patron of   through                                    both taught me the
            the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra    investments,                                   importance of caring
            and a benefactor for many charitable   which make the                            about my community,
            and educational pursuits in Lubbock.   community a                               and giving generously
            She was the recipient of many     better place to live                           of my time, talents
            local, state and national awards   and work for all                              and resources to
            for her charitable, professional and   individuals and families.”  Margaret   others without fanfare.  The way they
            educational endeavors.            served as the Foundation President   lived their lives showed me the true
                                              until her death in 2010.           meaning of “well done, good and
            J.T. also served the Lubbock                                         faithful servant”.
            community with his time, talent and   The Talkington Foundation has given
            resources.  He served as Chairman of   grants creating endowments and   These good and faithful servants, J.T.
            the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce,   scholarships to continue funding   and Margaret Talkington, though
            as President of both the United Way   important causes. Some of the   not with us today, continue to have a
            and The Rotary Club of Lubbock    beneficiaries of these endowments   positive impact on the lives of people
            and was a Paul Harris Fellow in   include the South Plains Food Bank,   in our community.  That legacy of
            Rotary.  He also served on the Board   Lubbock Christian University, the   impact, both past and present, has
            of Directors of Lubbock National   YWCA, the Lubbock Area United     established an example for us to
            Bank, West Central Investment     Way, the Texas Tech Health Sciences   follow today and for generations to
            Corporation and was a major       Center, Texas Tech University,     come.

                                        Per the instructions of J.T and Margaret Talkington,
                        the J.T. and Margaret Talkington Charitable Foundation, Inc. is due to sunset by 2020.

              The Talkington Foundation held its final grant cycle in 2017 and is not accepting any additional grant requests.
                   The Board of Directors is in the process of winding down all final administrative matters at this time.

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