Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2018- Online Magazine
P. 38
Follow the Red Brick
The distinct sound of driving on the
wonderful brick streets downtown is a the large concession stand that
reminder that Lubbock has history. New serves attendees.
buildings and growth surround most of those who were privileged to be natives. While the pavilion is the most visible effect
us, but the thoughts of all those who came The bumpety path that the Talkingtons of the Talkington Foundation’s gifts to
before us and made Lubbock the thriving, drove each day to their stores ends when Lubbock Moonlight Musicals, the most
wonderful town it is are jogged on the Broadway encounters I-27, but the path that impactful are the improvements made to
bumpety, brick paths. It is easy to believe the Talkingtons paved does not end there. the rehearsal facility and academy location
that it is our generation (whichever one you Just a few blocks further east, the fantastic at 2806 Avenue A. The half warehouse/
are a 35-year-old adult in) that are the ones Moonlight Musicals Amphitheatre hides in half office space serves to store costumes
who have made this world a modern, “out the slight canyon of Mackenzie Park. Here, and is the location of not only the Moonlight
of the dark ages” place to live. But hearing Broadway continues. Each summer, three rehearsals but also Texas Tech Opera
the sound on the brick streets and recalling musicals are staged that impress audiences Theater rehearsals. The Talkington
the pictures of downtown Lubbock, with with the unmatchable talent that Lubbock Foundation gifts made it possible to have
curb-to-curb De Sotos, Chryslers and seems to breed. This stage has served as not just one large, sprung dance floor,
Nash automobiles, proves that many more a springboard for both the talented on the but two, which serve both groups. Bright
thinking individuals actually paved the way stage and the orchestra who support them, lights and adequate air- conditioning
for our growth. Two of those individuals as well as the West Texas families who are make the space a joyful, safe place for cast
were J.T. and Margaret Talkington. As a attending their first theatrical performance members to rehearse every day for weeks
young girl, I knew that even the hangers that in the user-friendly venue. prior to productions and for Moonlight Arts
said “Margaret’s” were special and to be The Talkington Foundation generously Academy to host classes.
revered in my mother’s closet, and I knew provided funding for the picnic pavilion Lubbock Moonlight Musicals is most
that they came from the bumpety road in that covers groups who have chosen to grateful for the quality of life that J.T. and
Lubbock. host events in conjunction with the shows. Margaret Talkington continue to infuse into
The Talkingtons had great vision for Previously, tables and chairs were erected our great city.
Lubbock. They were committed to its in the same area but with no covering. Now
growth and a continuing future for all the 200 people can be seated under the covered
young people who came here from other pavilion. And on the side of the pavilion is
places to attend Texas Tech, as well as
Pictures by Gypsy Artist Design and Photography
38 Lubbock Senior Link