Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 56
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Senior Senior
by Laci Thomas
ohn Chancellor “Chan” birthday. He still has it hanging
Thomas is living an in his backyard.
Jextraordinary life. It started
out like many ordinary lives. Chan eventually settled down as
He was born in July 1952 to a cotton farmer. His father Frank
Melba and Frank Thomas. He rented him the only 240 acres
grew up in the country, free to of land he owned. They farmed
roam wherever he pleased, and side by side and raised cattle,
learned to drive pickup trucks until 1985, when Frank’s health
and tractors as soon as he could began to deteriorate. In 1994,
reach the pedals. When his Chan met and married Jamie
sister Inola was born in 1960, Marlar. He was never shy about
the family moved to the town of expressing his love for her. One
Tahoka. of their favorite stories is about
a time Jamie was returning from
Like many young boys, Chan a business trip. He picked her
got into some mischief. He up at the airport holding a blue
and his friends did things like flower and a sunflower. He
disturbing the peace of the small pulled out the blue flower and their first child – a little girl
town by throwing firecrackers. said, “When you were gone, I named Lee. It was May 1999 and
They risked their lives doing felt blue.” Then he pulled out close to Mother’s Day, so Chan
foolish tricks, like the time they the sunflower and said, “But made it extra special by teaching
were riding in the back of a now that you are back, my Lee to say “mama”. Two years
pickup truck, and the driver sunshine is back.” later, they traveled back to
tied off the steering wheel and China to adopt their second
climbed into the back of the At this point, the story begins daughter. She was extremely
truck with them, as the truck to get interesting. Chan and sick with chicken pox and
continued down the road. Once, Jamie had been married for five giardia, but Chan and his wife
his friends even stole a traffic years, and they were ready for patiently cared for their second
sign with his initials, JCT, for his children. The unusual thing is
that they went to China to get daughter and nursed her back to
56 Lubbock Senior Link