Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 36
Kathy Rollo
by Nancy Sharp
lunch break. Mr. Jones recognized in Department was formed in Lubbock
Kathy a maturity, intellect and passion ISD. A visionary leader respected by
for anything related to school. Kathy’s her peers would be needed to guide
childhood play had always involved this new initiative, and Kathy Rollo
being a teacher to her imaginary was quickly selected. She forged
students; however, with this new partnerships and provided
opportunity to observe the work of a tools and training for educators
principal, she saw another fascinating and administrators to increase the
ike ants to a picnic, children career in education.
scurried single file down the On February 1, 2018, Dr. Kathy
Lhallway, excited to chat while Kinnison Rollo checked in on the
delving into lunchboxes brimming students at Wester Elementary,
with favorite foods and gulping and then took her place as the
down small cartons of cold milk. It superintendent of Lubbock ISD. “I feel
was lunchtime at Wester Elementary like I’ve been preparing for this day
School. After her classmates had taken my entire life,” Rollo said. “My mom,
their places at long cafeteria tables, Phyllis Kinnison,
Kathy Kinnison was a high
continued down the school teacher. I
hallway to the school “Building a culture of did my student
office and claimed vision, collaboration teaching at Hunt
her chair behind the and trust are among my Elementary,
secretary’s desk. top priorities.” mentored by
For Kathy Kinnison, many seasoned depth of teaching and learning in
lunchtime in sixth- teachers and shaped by my principal, the classroom, including a more
grade was spent as the substitute Vernita Woods-Holmes,” Rollo added. sophisticated use of data to guide
secretary for the principal, Mr. Albert Vernita Woods-Holmes said, “After instruction. She was promoted
Jones, while his “real” secretary, Mrs. retiring as a principal in Lubbock to associate superintendent for
Orpha Marion, took a well-deserved ISD, I spent 16 years on the Board of elementary schools in 2013 and
Trustees. I’ve been observing Kathy remained in that position until the
Rollo for many years, and she has summer of 2017, when she left the
always done an excellent job. Kathy district to be an instructor in the
brings out the best in people,” she College of Education at Texas Tech
added. University. An avid supporter of
Kathy Rollo’s journey took her public education, Dr. Rollo has in-
into teaching positions at Martin and depth experience in every aspect.
Waters Elementary Schools. After two Laura Vinson, president of the
years as an assistant principal at Rush Board of Trustees said, “We hoped we
and Haynes elementary schools, Dr. could find someone with strong West
Rollo became the principal at Murfee Texas roots, someone who knows our
Elementary, which she guided for ten district and has vast experience as a
years. classroom teacher and as a principal.
In 2009, the first Leadership In Dr. Rollo, we found an academic
and Professional Development leader with proven successes leading
36 Lubbock Senior Link