Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
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Many times, people who are frustrated with the initial fit of their
new hearing aids also come to us with a list. In some situations,
Do You Hear even after a very short time period, they are ready to surrender
the entire delivery package back to us and give up on a better
quality of life through improved hearing and understanding.
What I Hear? It is then that our office becomes very important to those whom
we serve. The research and statistics say it takes six months
and even up to one year to begin to see the advantages of better
hearing. We tell our clients, “Please, do not give up. The list is
a very important tool for you and your family in order to begin
by Gayle Willson to recognize the difference the devices are making. It will not
be a quick, one time fit, as if you are buying a new pair of shoes.
Keep a list of sounds that you like to hear and also sounds that
Our client at Grand Hearing is brand new to the improved might be annoying you. Your hearing professional can make
hearing world, but at his follow up appointment, he pulled adjustments, many times with a quick click of the program in
out “his list”. This is the point when those of us in this the tiny computer in the hearing aid, and it will make a vast
profession begin to tremble a little and hope we can “fix” all amount of difference in your hearing and understanding. The
that is wrong with the wearing of new devices. worst scenario is when you say nothing and just stop seeing your
professional or, worse yet, put your new, expensive investment
Mr. Everado Arce, Jr., “Chacho” from Farwell, was very in the drawer. Speaking for all hearing professionals, we want
pleased with the fit of his new hearing aids, and his family you to come see us, and let us help you through the process!”
commented to us about how much better he is understanding
conversation. As he continued to unfold his “homework”, The process of wearing new hearing aids is much like adjusting
as we call it, he began to explain about how the world has to a knee replacement or recovering from a broken arm. It takes
opened up to him, and he is hearing sounds he didn’t even therapy, it takes an understanding of how your body functions,
realize existed. He is a cyclist, and he didn’t even know that, and then working with the changes. Remember, these products
when coasting, the gears make a whirring sound. He heard are not hearing “perfects”, they are hearing “aids”. We cannot
the “bings” and “beeps” in the car, the overhead music at the give back the hearing you experienced as a young child, but
store, and the microwave buttons. Amazingly, water makes a we can give you a quality of hearing with the abilities you still
sound when it is turned on. have. It is also important to realize that, during the time of
decline of hearing, your brain quit processing certain sounds
and frequencies. Now with the technology restoring those
frequencies, the brain must again learn to recognize that the
sounds are intelligible speech sounds. In most cases, hearing loss
occurs gradually, over a period of time, but hearing rehabilitation
is also achieved gradually over a period of time. After this
interval has passed, most of our patients tell us, “I don’t know
how I ever communicated without my hearing aids.”
Please call our office, and we will mail you one of our
“homework” pages, so you also can get excited, like Chacho,
about all of the sounds on your list about which you will be able
to say, “I HEAR THAT!”
At Grand Hearing, we offer a FREE hearing screening and FREE
ear canal inspections in both South Plains offices.
We have a staff at Grand Hearing Center who have been serving
the South Plains area for 42 years. We are willing to work with
you to achieve the best possible solution. Gayle Willson is Board
Certified in the Hearing Instrument Sciences (BC-HIS), Blair
Willson and Polly Wampler are also licensed. We are proud of
the “Wampler Legacy”!
We have two convenient locations: In Lubbock at 3711 C 20th St,
and in Plainview 812 W 8th 11-B.
Call 806-438-8270 or 806-288-8585 for more information or to
order a FREE Sounds page.
20 Lubbock Senior Link