Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 14
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Senior Senior The
in Life
by Jasmine Gonzalez
any people have both built two sheds, a play area for all his tell him what I wanted to make, and
blessed and changed my life grandkids, a dog house, bird houses, a he would help me. Once I chose to
Min various ways, but one has tree swing, and much more. Anything make a toolbox, so I could be just like
affected me even more deeply. That I ask him to build, he builds. Ever him. He cut the wood for me. I sanded
person is my grandfather, who goes since I was little, I saw him as my it and nailed it together. I loved to
by many names: G-pa, G-P-A, and hero, strong and able. play with wood, a hammer, and nails.
Grandpa. He has not only taught me I felt like I could build anything. My
many things, but he has shown me Growing up, he was always there for grandpa taught me how to use my
many things. His love, morality, and me, providing so many memories. hands and my mind to solve problems
leadership are all contagious, as he When I was four, I would play on in life. My mom would always get
has come to shape and affect everyone the swings and watch him work mad that he let me use tools, but he
around him. He not only leads by with all the really cool, big tools. At always told her how he was helping
example, but he leads through his lunch time, we would eat sandwiches me to fix things so I could rely on
kind words and love. Because of these outside and drink a coke. Then he myself and have the knowledge to get
things, I can assuredly say that my would play teacher with me. He was any job done. I learned plenty from
grandfather has truly transformed me a pretty good student, although I had him. I learned how to fix a tire, a lawn
as a person, and I am fortunate to have to send him to the principal’s office mower, how to make or fix a circuit,
him in my life. a couple of times for sleeping or not how to tend a garden, and, most
studying. I always had fun playing importantly, how to work hard.
My grandpa is not a man of many games with him and eating candy I
words, yet the words he does say wasn’t supposed to eat. There are a numerous good qualities
are words of love, honesty, trust, that a person can possess. Two of
and knowledge. I love my grandpa When I was eight, he taught me to my grandpa’s best ones are a good
because he is always there to help build small, wooden models of cars, attitude and a great work ethic. He has
me in times of need. My grandpa is a planes, and boats. His always worked made sure to teach me these values.
handyman who loves to build and fix better, mostly because I always He has instilled a good work ethic in
things. He loves to take on projects, glued the wheels onto mine. When I me as well as a passion for creativity
big and small. For example, he has mastered those, he began to teach me and learning. Because of him, I am
how to use some of his tools. I would
14 Lubbock Senior Link