Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 12
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Senior Senior
by Alexandra Gonzalez
y grandmother has been gives everyone a gift no matter what.
there for me ever since I can Any holiday or birthday celebration
Mremember. She is one of the is spent at her house. It is always
grandest people in my life. She loves fulfilling; you can definitely feel the
me so much, and I am glad to have her love. My grandmother is welcoming
here with me. A grandparent plays and giving to everyone, not just her
an important role in any child’s life. grandchildren. If she knew that one
They are mentors to us as well as our of her friends or relatives needed
parents. They help a child’s parents something, she would go and get it
mold them, hopefully, into a person for them. She has such a big heart,
with values and ethics. A grandparent and her family and friends are very
is there to pick you up when you feel important to her; she is very caring
down and will fight for you always. and selfless.
My grandma has influenced me and
my life in more ways than I can count. When I was little I can remember that
most of the summer was spent outside
She grew up among three brothers in her backyard. I had so much fun
and five sisters, and she checks on outside with my twin. We had wild
them all the time. She is the middle imaginations. My grandmother got
child of her family. She is always there us a tea set, and we would go outside
for them. My grandma had six kids and make mud pies and just have fun.
of her own, and she worked very hard We would sing and have races, and us our own rolling board. She spent
to provide for her family and friends. through the window, we could always time teaching my twin and me how
As her family grew so did her love. see our grandmother spying on us to make tortillas. We weren’t very
She has over 25 grandchildren and and probably laughing at how weird productive since we would often play
several great grandchildren (too many we were being. After a couple hours with the dough like it was clay. As
to count). During Christmas time, of playing, she would feed us, and we much as I try, I can never come close
we all gather in her tiny little house would chat about all sorts of things. to duplicating her skills. She makes
like a pack of sardines. It’s always an the best food in the entire world. We
adventure, filled with lots of love and She has taught me how to make cakes always dreaded 5:00, because that
laughter. My grandmother always and different foods, and got each of
12 Lubbock Senior Link