Page 78 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 78


                     Doug Foster                         Veteran Doug Foster and
                                                         the Healing Wall

                                                         by Larry A. Williams
                                                         Veterans Liaison Co-Chair, Texas South Plains Honor Flight Board

                                             graduated in 1961, in a class of    Operation Shenandoah I and then
                                             33, from Hermleigh High School,     Shenandoah II, also called the Battle
                                             followed by continuing education    of Ong Thanh.
                                             at Texas Tech from 1961 to 1965; he   On October 16, 1967, Doug’s unit
                                             remarked that he really regretted   was led on point by a Viet Cong
                                             not finishing.  He met and married   defector. The point man was killed
                                             Belinda on December 13, 1963.       very shortly, and a firefight broke
                                             While working at Volker Furniture   out. Doug saw men hit all around
                                             & Floor Covering in Lubbock, he     him.  He said he knew an attack
                                             received his draft notice in October   was imminent as he “could always
                                             of 1965 but wasn’t called up until   smell the marijuana that the Viet
                                             October, 1966.  He added that       Cong snipers were smoking up
                                             he and “33 other men from the       in the trees.”  While running for
                                             Hermleigh area were called up and   cover, Doug landed at the base of
                                             sent to basic training at Ft. Bliss,   a tree and looked up just in time to
                                             Texas.” Like him, several of the men   see a sniper dropping a small hand
                                             were older and were married.  He    grenade that the men called a “half
                                             was sent on to Ft. Polk, Louisiana   pint”.  He said that, “while these
                                             for infantry training and was on    grenades did damage, had it been
                oug Foster had heard about   the list for OCS (Officer Candidate   an American grenade, I wouldn’t
                the Texas South Plains       School) due to his college education.    be around to tell the story.”  Hit in
         DHonor Flight from some             After two or three months of waiting   several places by shrapnel, Doug
         veterans in Snyder who had gone on   for the school to start, he told his   was airlifted to the hospital in
         the trip.  Doug, a Vietnam veteran,   commanding officer to “go ahead   Bien Hua where he spent a week
         didn’t think he was eligible because   and send me on to Vietnam.”      recovering.  He and other wounded
         he felt like it was mostly for WWII                                     men were then “sent to the seaside
         and Korean War vets.  However, he   Doug was assigned to the 2nd        resort Vung Tao to recover from our
         finally applied in 2014 and received   Battalion, 28th Infantry, 1st Infantry   wounds, as it was felt that the sea
         the call in September, 2016 that they   Division - the famed Big Red 1 unit
         “had a spot for him on the flight.”  It   -  and left from Travis AFB on June
         was still a difficult decision for Doug   13, 1967, landing in Saigon.  His first
         as he had never been to Washington,   assignment was to go out on night
         D.C. and wasn’t sure how he would   patrol. On only his third night out,
         react to the Vietnam Wall.  For him,   his unit got into an ambush, and
         it was more difficult than most     three enemies were killed.  Doug
         as he probably lost more buddies    was an M60 Machine Gunner and
         than many others in the war, fellow   was soon in charge of three other
         soldiers whose names are etched on   gunners.  During one ambush, he
         the long black wall.                ran out of ammunition and asked
                                             his ammo bearer, Joe B. Crutcher,
         Douglas Glenn Foster was born on    for more; ironically, he found out
         March 9, 1943, in Roscoe, Texas to   Crutcher was carrying the boxes
         Glenn and Golda Foster.  Glenn      empty for a lighter load - not a good
         and his wife were farmers near      spot to be in!  After several patrols
         Hermleigh, Texas, and Doug          and firefights, Doug and his unit,
         grew up doing farm work.  He        based out of Lai Khe, were part of

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