Page 14 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 14
How to
for Senior Living
by Steve Hughett
Choosing a senior living community // Downsizing vs. Rightsizing volume, and more importance is
is a big decision, but when families First, it helps to understand the placed on functionality, use, and
put all their energy into that one terminology. In recent years, the personal meaning.”
choice, they may fail to consider concept of “rightsizing” has gained
the mechanics of moving itself. prominence, offering a shift from // Making a Space Plan
It’s clear that when it comes to the more traditional notion of To prepare for a move, Seman
managing a lifetime of accumulated “downsizing.” As Seman explains, recommends seniors and their
possessions, preparing for a senior rightsizing is about managing your families start with a space plan. In
living move is no small feat. possessions and living space based fact, he believes that a space plan
“Too often, families focus on where on behavior modifications. The is such a critical component of a
older adults will be moving and not goal is to set up your place and your successful senior living transition,
enough on how they will move — possessions to facilitate a move he warns against moving without
what they will take with them, and toward the next stage of your life. one.
what they plan to do with all that is In essence, rightsizing represents a “Those who choose to move
left behind,” affirms Chris Seman, shift in focus from the negative — without a plan are often distraught
President of Caring Transitions, “getting rid of things I no longer when they realize that their
a professional solution for senior have space for”- to the positive new apartment is cramped and
relocation, rightsizing, estate sale, — “embracing what’s coming next uncomfortable due to too much
and online auction services. Here, and setting up my space to enhance furniture or poorly planned
Seman outlines estate sale and that.” storage,” he says.
liquidation options, as well as “Rightsizing helps individuals focus That’s where rightsizing comes in.
rightsizing principles to help older on what is necessary and important Once you determine and define the
adults make a successful transition to their daily care, comfort, and new space, it’s important to reduce
to senior living. personal identity,” explains Seman. or modify your possessions for
“Less importance is placed on reasons of space, safety, preference,
14 Lubbock Senior Link