Page 20 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017 - Online Magazine
P. 20
Senior Senior
Alice Blackwell, My Grandma
by Jasmine Blackwell
My grandmother, up on me. She has been there in my
Alice Blackwell, highest and lowest moments. We have
has greatly had our ups and downs, but I know she
impacted my will always have my back. When I was
life. She is 74 younger, I can remember being so angry
years old and at the world and lashing out because
takes care of of situations I could not control. The
my 15-year-old only person there to guide me was my
brother and grandma. She has never judged me and
me. I started helps me through all my mistakes. She
living with my is very understanding and gives good
grandma about advice. I can honestly say that without
five years ago, her, I do not know where I would be.
and she has done
a wonderful job. My grandmother’s biggest goal for me
My grandma wakes up every morning is to go to college. Currently, I have
and drives my brother and me to school been accepted to two colleges. I know
and goes to work. She has eight children, my grandma is proud of me, because
four biological and four by marriage. In she has promised to help me in college
addition, she has twenty grandchildren. anyway she can. Education is one of my
My grandmother is strong, independent grandma’s main wishes for her children
and devoted to Christianity. She makes and grandchildren. Unfortunately, my
sure I always have what I need. For the grandmother did not graduate high
past three and a half years, my grandma school, but trust me when I say she
has supported me in color guard and worked hard for everything she has.
Future Farmers of America (FFA). At No matter how difficult times got, my
any and every event, I always know one grandma made a way to keep a roof
person who will be there—my grandma. over our heads and food on the table. I
No matter how tired she is or how greatly appreciate everything she has
inconvenient it might be for her, she still sacrificed so I could achieve. She is the
comes. She is my biggest support system. reason I have a job and get to school. My
grandma always says, “God will make
Alice Blackwell has taught me many a way” – and God has truly blessed us
great lessons. I am glad she never gave both.
20 Lubbock Senior Link