Page 43 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 43

Garry Baccus                       Solum Volamus, But

                                                               Never Alone

                                                               by Kara Baccus Hutchinson

                                                                                   met, and Garry went straight to
                                                                                   Lackland AFB in San Antonio
                                                                                   for Officer Training School.
                                                                                   Upon completion, he reported
                                                                                   to Reese AFB in Lubbock for
                                                                                   a year of pilot training while
                                                                                   Kim attended Texas Tech. Kim
                                                                                   pinned his silver Air Force

                                                    school. By the time he         wings on him on May 6, 1982.
                                                    graduated, he had attended   From there, they moved to
                                                    nine schools.                Little Rock, Arkansas for C-130
                                                    Initially, Garry attended    training, then on to Pope AFB to
                                                    Harding University in        fly the Hercules. In 1984, there
                                                    Searcy, Arkansas. But one    was a need for flight instructors
                                                    Sunday, while on summer      at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls,
                                                    break visiting grandparents   Texas, and Garry reported for
                                                    in Haskell, Texas, as he was   duty. In March of 1988, their first
                                                                                 child, Kara, was born. Quickly
                   arry Clinton Baccus was          leaving the church service,   thereafter, they moved to Beale
                   born in January 1958        he noticed a cute girl standing   AFB in California to train to fly
            Gto Clinton and Brenda             on the curb, twirling her dress   the T-38 Talon and the Dragon
             Baccus. They were stationed at    absentmindedly. Kim Hale was a    Lady, the reconnaissance aircraft
             Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi,   junior in high school in Haskell,   U-2. The U-2 is regarded by
             Mississippi, where Clinton,       the daughter of the local John    many as the toughest military
             a Texas Tech alumnus, was         Deere dealer. He transferred to   aircraft to land. Garry earned his
             learning to maintain U.S. Air     Abilene Christian University to   solo patch, Solum Volamus, “We
             Force radar systems. It was then   be closer to Kim!                Fly Alone,” and his own unique
             that Garry’s love of all things   Before graduating from ACU        number as the 513th pilot to solo
             aviation began.
                                               in December 1980, Garry met a     in the iconic jet. Shortly after
             He had a typical military brat    Navy recruiter and was accepted   training, they were stationed
             childhood, moving from base to    to Navy Flight School. Having     overseas at RAF Alconbury in
             base, city to city. In particular, he   grown up in                 England, where Garry flew the
             spent his formative elementary    the Air Force,
             school years in Nebraska. The     he pestered
             community he grew up in there     the USAF
             had kids everywhere--enough to    recruiter to
             put together full baseball teams   allow him to
             to play in the summer. There      test for flight
             were hills to zoom down on        school and
             skateboards, and, in the winters,   was accepted.
             those same hills were covered in   In May of
             snow, perfect for sledding. Jets   1981, he and
             flying overhead every day always   Kim married
             had him looking to the sky. From   in the same
             Nebraska, it was on to Missouri,   church in
             then to Jacksonville, Arkansas,   Haskell
             where he graduated from high      where they’d

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