Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 38

Life After Retirement

           Wendell and Dustee Sollis

         as told to Jane Bromley

              or 31 years, Wendell and Dustee   Ricky, and Jessica, and are now
              Sollis of Petersburg made their   enjoying seven grandchildren.
         Fmarks in public education. They
          taught and coached in school districts   But this is “the rest of the story.”
          from Amarillo and Canyon to Denver
          City, Snyder, and finally Odessa where   Many seniors in the 2020s have
          Dustee taught English, and Wendell   discovered that retirement doesn’t
          served as superintendent of schools for   mean resting on your laurels or in
          Ector County ISD. The Sollises retired   your recliner. Senior Link loves to tell
          in 2007 and settled down at The WD   the stories of those among us who
          Ranch in Petersburg where they enjoy   have experienced a “re-birth” after
          horses, cattle, cats, dogs, peacocks, and   re-tirement. In the Sollises’ case, their
          especially, grandkids.              new career is more about fun than
          Wendell and Dustee graduated from                                     Mike Bennett, trumpet player from
                                                                                Oklahoma. Two Hall of Fame awards
          Petersburg High School in 1970, were   Wendell has performed with the
          married that same year and attended   Bob Wills' Texas Playboys, but    This season, the Sollises are looking
          Texas Tech. Wendell served in the Air   these days, he is bandleader for the   forward to the Country Christmas Ball
          Force in the Vietnam era, from 1972-  thirteen-piece Sidekicks All Star Band.   in Floyd County. The event is scheduled
          1976. (Interestingly, that was also when   This talented group of musicians has   for December 16, 2023, at 6:00, starting
          he taught himself to play the banjo and   performed all over Texas, Oklahoma,   with a catered meal from River Smith’s,
          guitar.) After the war he and Dustee   and New Mexico. Notable events   followed by three hours of music
          completed their BS and master’s degrees   Wendell has participated in include   featuring classic country, western
          in Education at West Texas A&M. The   Cowboy Christmas balls at Quartz   swing, Cajun, big band, and Christmas
          couple raised three children, Lance,   Mountain Resort, OK; events in Quanah
                                              and Plainview, TX; the Snyder Western   favorites. Wendell’s band is composed
                                                              Swing Festival;     of hall-of-fame winners and talented
                                                              appearances for     musicians from Oklahoma and Texas,
                                                              over 20 years       and portions of the proceeds are going
                                                              at the Lincoln      to benefit the volunteer fire departments
                                                              County Cowboy       of Lockney and Floydada.
                                                              in Ruidoso,         The Sollises want you to join them and
                                                              NM; summer          experience some of the fun they have
                                                              performances at Six   discovered post-retirement. We don’t all
                                                              Flags Over Texas;   get to have a second career in country
                                                              and many rodeos,    music, but it’s a good idea to get a taste
                                        Kelly Hastey, local musician,   dances, and galas.  of it once in a while!
                                        with Cadillac Jack band

                                               For more information contact: Dustee Sollis at 806-983-6228 or
                                                  Facebook: Wendell Sollis and the Sidekicks All Star Band
           Ginny Mac

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