Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 36
Bob Bellah
of a SCOUT
by *Ron Cox Bob Bellah 1994 Scouting for Food
its mission than Ransom Canyon life skills, and lifelong values. He
resident Bob Bellah. can still quote the famous motto, “A
Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful,
Bob is a man of many talents, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient,
and he is making a big difference, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and
not only locally but across the reverent.”
globe. He is a well-established
international food broker, with Bob says, “Scouting’s goal is to
worldwide connections, working develop leaders of the future.
to keep our grocery store shelves Many astronauts, presidents,
stocked. He is a go-to guy when a entrepreneurs, and other
local store needs a particular item, role models were Boy Scouts.
and the supply chain has a kink in Scouts have always been part of
it. His willingness and capability humanitarian efforts—during the
to help others is well-known and World Wars, during the Depression,
Scouts of Ireland appreciated. and almost every other crisis.”
Robert Baden-Powell, a general
Scouting has been his lifelong in the Boer War in South Africa,
passion—ever since he became a founded the Boy Scouts in England
“ rom the first knot tied to final Cub Scout 70 years ago in Canyon, in 1908. The organization has grown
hours of service performed, Texas, where he grew up on the to over 67 million young people in
Fthe Scouting experience is Prairie Dog Fork of the Red River. 172 countries.
a journey like none other” (BSA Young Bob spent many hours
website). Since its establishment hiking and learning survival The Eagle Scout is the highest
in 1910, Boy Scouts of America skills in Palo Duro Canyon and award a young Scout can earn. Bob
has built character and produced eventually earned the Rank of was a Scoutmaster for several years
leaders from the boys and yes, Explorer Silver (Eagle Scout). and helped twelve young men earn
girls, who join its ranks. Few of its Scouting offered high adventure, the challenging award. Four of them
alumni are more passionate about
Thank you, Bob, from Breedlove Foods, Inc. Your vision and support has helped us
feed the hungry in Lubbock and around the world for almost 30 years!
36 Lubbock Senior Link