Page 74 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 74


                Help for Texas Veterans

                          LegaL needs

                      by Phil Johnson, Justice, Texas Supreme Court (Ret.)

                      The Honorable Phil Johnson served his country as a fighter
                      pilot in Vietnam and an instructor pilot at Reese Air Force
                      Base. He is a Distinguished Alumnus of Texas Tech Law
                      School, former Chief Justice of the Seventh Court of Appeals,
                      and former Justice of the Texas Supreme Court.

                lmost 1,700,000 veterans      Legislature has appropriated over    hard copy by calling the Texas State
                live in Texas—the second-     six million dollars per biennium     Bar at 800-204-2222 and is available
         Ahighest number in any of            (two years) for veterans’ legal aid.   online at
         the 50 states. Recent reports show   Those funds are administered         veterans.
         that over 6.5% of the veterans who   primarily by the Texas Access to
         live in Texas have incomes at or     Justice Foundation (TAJF). TAJF is   In addition to the Texas Supreme
         below the poverty level, and many    a nonprofit entity that receives and   Court’s continuing emphasis on,
         are homeless. In Texas, much is      administers funds appropriated       and the Legislature’s appropriations
         being done for these low-income      by the Legislature, such as those    for, services to low income and
         and homeless veterans, but not       earmarked for legal services to      homeless veterans, the Attorney
         enough. Part of the ‘much’ being     veterans, as well as contributions it   General’s office, through its
         done is providing help for their     receives from private individuals    HEROES program (phone # 512-
         legal needs. This is rightfully so   and organizations. TAJF functions    463-2100), offers many types of
         because, according to a survey by    in conjunction with the Access       direct assistance to veterans and
         the U.S. Department of Veterans      to Justice Commission (AJC),         their families. And under auspices
         Affairs, five of the top ten unmet   an organization created by the       of the Governor’s office, the Texas
         needs of homeless veterans are legal   Texas Supreme Court, to develop    Veteran’s Commission (ph. 512-463-
         in nature.                           programs for delivering legal        6564) provides guidance, assists
                                              services to indigents. TAJF, assisted   veterans, and provides access to a
         Through the leadership of the Texas   by the Texas Bar Foundation, funds   veteran’s crisis hotline at 800-273-
         Supreme Court, the State Bar, and, a website      8255x1.  Another organization, the
         the Legislature, Texas has become    that includes videos and articles    Texas Veterans Legal Service Center,
         a national leader in providing       to provide guidance for veterans     assists veterans and their families
         legal help for its indigent veterans.   in such matters as how to claim   in civil legal matters, including
         The Supreme Court has made           disability benefits, replace lost    accessing benefits. The Center’s
         funding of legal aid, including      documents, and secure employment     assistance is available both on a
         specifically legal aid for indigent   rights. A separate entity, the Texas   website,,
         veterans, a priority in the budgetary   Young Lawyers Association, has    and by phone at 800-622-2520. The
         requests it presents biennially to   produced a pamphlet entitled         Texas Veterans Legal Aid Coalition
         the Legislature. The Legislature     “Resources for Veterans Seeking      is a group of thirteen organizations
         has responded positively. In each    Help.” The pamphlet is available in   which have, in part, focused on
         of the last several sessions, the                                         legal aid to veterans. Information

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