Page 37 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 37

Air Force

             skills and enhanced childcare                                            acclaim at the Lubbock Arts
             centers.”                                                                Festival and among her loyal
                                                                                      customers. After twenty
             After four years of writing                                              years of creating beautiful
             papers and staff summary                                                 art pieces, a new depth in
             sheets and answering                                                     Linda is evident. It is more
             Congressional inquiries,                                                 than contentment; it is a deep
             Major Jackson was assigned to                                            satisfaction with her fulfilling
             Mountain Home AFB in Idaho                                               life.
             as Chief of Personnel. “It was
             a huge base with big missions.   Photo Credit Ashton Thornhill           “I'm richly blessed,” she
             We were always busy with                                                 said, which reminded her,
             assignments, orders, and                                                 “I've had the best pets: a
             processing for incoming and                                    German Shepherd named Rudy and
             outgoing airmen.” During                                       a Golden Retriever named Rusty. I
             her stint at MHAFB, her dad                                    didn't even know I liked cats until
             died unexpectedly at age 63.                                   Slinky and Blackie showed up. Now
             “I thought my world had                                        I have Abby Tabby.” (At that, Abby
             ended.” He had been her rock                                   looked up, apparently grateful for the
             for her entire life.                                           acknowledgement.) She is surrounded
                                                                 by lovely mementos and souvenirs of her storied life,
             “After my assignment in Idaho, I returned to San    and it is obvious each one still brings her joy.
             Antonio to the AFMPC (Military Personnel Center)
             as the Chief of Officer and Airman Procurement      When this decorated* USAF veteran/accomplished
             for the Air Force. In 1990, after three years at    artist/happy human being talks about the length and
             Randolph AFB, I retired as a Lt. Colonel. I was     breadth and depth of her life, it is evident she is still
             tired of the traffic and humidity, and I fell in love   flourishing. Her art imitates her life—substantial
             with Lubbock. It reminded me of Kansas.” After      in form, intricate in detail, and rich in beauty.
             a sabbatical of sorts, the veteran went to work for   Multidimensional.
             Texas Tech, teaching and writing curriculum for
             full-time employees – a job she enjoyed; but the    *1st Lieutenant Jackson was awarded the Bronze Star
             multidimensional Linda Jackson needed something     in 1974 for “service above and beyond” in Thailand.

             “My grandmother had
             always been an important
             part of my life. Among
             other things, she had
             taught me to embroider.
             When she died in 2002, I
             felt rudderless. A trip to
             Santa Fe inspired me to try
             making jewelry. I would
             buy a few beads and charms                                         Simplify Your Life
             and make bracelets to wear
             to work.” Soon, she began
             designing and making them                                             Let us help you coordinate
             for friends and for friends
             of friends. She was invited                                          your relocation & liquidation!
                                                                                       Offices Nationwide • Bonded & Insured
             to show at the First Friday                                            Each Office is independently owned and operated.
             Art Trail and then applied
             for the Lubbock Studio          Caring Transitions of the South Plains            (806) 412-0384
             Tour. Her pieces have won
                                                              VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS

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