Page 84 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 84



              The      Ultimate

                                   Debra L. Taylor

                                              up years. Though it was a
                                              very scary time, his dad and
                                              I encouraged Chad to live as
                                              normal a life as possible.  He
                                              enjoyed skateboards, bicycles,
                                              and roller skates. He had a
                                              collection of watches, baseball
                ome would say the ultimate    cards, and arrowheads, and
                loss imaginable is the loss of a   always had pets around, too.
           Schild. I can say from personal    He even went through a period      He especially enjoyed the times
           experience this is true. I can also   of wearing a red leather Michael   they all had together in South
           say I have felt the ultimate love of   Jackson jacket, complete with   Padre Island, which was a favorite
           my Heavenly Father as I travel this   sparkly socks and glove! He     vacation spot.
           journey. I see ways He prepared    could even do the Moon Walk.
           me to walk this path.              Thankfully, that phase didn’t last   Chad didn’t have siblings, but
                                              long! As an adult, he traded that   he had many friends. He was
           Jesus loves me, this I know.       jacket in for a Harley jacket and   quietly outgoing. He had an
                                              enjoyed good times with his “heart   easy smile, calm demeanor and
           Chad Alan Farner was born in       brothers” riding his motorcycle.   a genuine concern for others. He
           Amarillo, Texas on July 17, 1976.   He called it “wind therapy”.      was kindhearted and thoughtful.
           He was in and out of the hospital                                     He would often go in to work
           many times during his first years.   Chad really blossomed when       early so that he could have time to
           We were young parents, and panic   he got married and became a        check on his grandmother, take his
           was just under the surface for me   dad. Cali was born in 1997, and   aunt to adult daycare, or attend an
           during those years. At five months   Caitlyn came along in 2001. He   event with his daughters.
           old, Chad weighed just nine        adored his girls; watching them
           pounds. With help from doctors in   become young ladies would bring   And then, that “knowing” that
           Houston, he was at a normal and    tears to his eyes. Chad enjoyed    God had given me years ago,
           healthy weight by the time of his   watching his girls compete in     came true. Just before midnight,
           first birthday. Then, before Chad’s   basketball, track and theater arts.   March 31, 2016, the phone rang.
           third birthday, he was diagnosed                                                    It was my oldest
           with a heart problem. He was our                                                    granddaughter,
           only child, and there were times                                                    Cali. She was
           I lived in fear that I would lose                                                   hysterical, telling
           him. With time, that fear became                                                    me that her
           a “knowing”, but I knew that God                                                    daddy had been
           would be with me, no matter what.                                                   accidentally shot
           So, I had to love Chad with open                                                    by his good friend
           arms.                                                                               and was dead. Our
                                                                                               world changed in
           We dealt with Chad’s health issues                                                  that moment.  I
           most of the rest of his growing-                                                    crawled up into

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