Page 42 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 42


            Susan Fain


                                                       by Anna Kizer
                     e (teens) are constantly
                     asked what we want
            Wto be when we grow               one of the most kind-hearted     ministry outreach to inmates’
            up. We associate the answer to    and genuine people I know; I     wives and children.
            that question with our future     hope, one day, to become half the
            careers, what we want to do for   woman that she is.               I grew up with an amazing,
            a living. However, the question                                    close-knit family. As the oldest
            asks what we want to be, not do.   Susan Marie Fain grew up in     grandchild on my mom’s
            As a society, we have turned a    several oilfield towns in West   side, I grew quite close to my
            blind eye to the importance of    Texas and New Mexico. She's the   grandparents. That connection
            character. We love to promote     oldest child and was raised with   has only grown stronger as I’ve
            the concept of being yourself     her two younger brothers. Her    gotten older. From the time I
            and finding out who you are;      grandmother, Granny Row, was     could stand, my grandmother let
            however, that doesn’t pay the     a praying woman. She prayed      me help her in the kitchen, and
            bills unless you can fit your     all her life for her husband to   she always played cards with me.
            answer into a list                         come to know Jesus,     Now, I can’t leave a visit without
            of skills that are                         and he finally did at   playing Go Fish or Crazy8s.
            optimal for an                             age 60. Granny Row's    When I began exploring my own
            office job.                                daughter, Bonnie        interests, she did not hesitate
                                                       Joann, was Susan's      to support and encourage me. I
            As a senior,                               mom, who was also a     spent many Christmases lugging
            I have one                                 God-fearing woman,      my giant baritone to their house
            question to face                           raising Susan and her   and performing my music for
            as I take the next                         brothers to serve the   them. Even though they lived
            step in life – who                         Lord with all their     three hours away, she always
            am I going to be                           hearts.                 tried to travel to my concerts
            when no one is                                                     and musicals. I knew she was
            hovering around                            When Susan turned       not only interested in my talents
            telling me who                             back to the Lord after   but genuinely interested in me;
            I’m supposed                               her first marriage,     she continuously makes me feel
            to be? I have no                           He blessed her with     talented and appreciated.
            way of knowing for sure; all I can   a devoted Christian man. Susan
            hope is that I’ve had good enough   and Lynn Schumacher have       I have not always been a perfect
            influences in my life never to    raised their four children to serve   child. Like almost every other
            worry about falling off the deep   the Lord, leading by example.   teenager, I have lost my way
            end. I am lucky enough to have    Lynn served as a prison chaplain   a few times. As hard as I try,
            met and grown in life with such   for almost 20 years, and Susan   I can never keep it from my
            a person. My grandmother is       served right alongside him in    grandmother. She can always tell
                                                                               when something is off, and she

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