Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
P. 62

family for several days) are passed   Wanda Brunson, Mrs.
           out in a drive-through format.     Thomas’s assistant,
           Volunteers pack the bags and then   is filling in until the
           meet the cars coming through.  The   Board of 14 members
           bags include Scripture cards and   finds a replacement.
           Christian devotionals, as people are   But lots of people are
           fed physically and spiritually. The   still being fed and
           result is that, rather than feeding a   clothed and mentored.
           few hundred people individually,   This ministry, like
           1500-1700 people are being fed     many other businesses,
           weekly via family-sized bags of    has been hit hard.  But
           food.                              the vision and the
                                              passion have not died,
           • The clothing ministry is still   and the needs are still
           available.  People can still access   certainly there.
           it but by appointment only, one                                        “inherited” her four very small
           person at a time.  The focus shifted   There are still multiple volunteer   nieces and nephews (ages 3 weeks
           more to those who need clothing    positions – for preparing and       to 4 years), and she had to begin
           for interviews and work.           sorting in the clothing ministry,   coming in for food.  She wept with
                                              for filling bags of food, for meeting   gratefulness, refusing to take more
           • Parts of the medical end of the   cars and giving out the food bags,   than she needed for just that week.
           outreach were able to transition to   for praying for people as they drive   A change in circumstance led to
           telemedicine.                      through the line.  There are thank   great need, and Lubbock Impact

           Lubbock Impact, although hit hard   you notes to be written, phone calls   was still there.
           by the pandemic, has continued to   to make, grants to write.          The stories could go on and on
           reach out.                         COVID has also brought in a new     about the changed lives.
                                              clientele – people in tears who have
           Perhaps the greatest blow in this                                      Thus, we have the name and the
           terribly difficult year was the death,   said they never thought they would   goal – Impact.  How grateful we
           from COVID, of Mrs. Thomas in      need this kind of help.  America    all must be for the services of this
           October 2020.  She had such vision   and the world have taken a tragic   ministry in our city.
           and energy and passion; she is     hit; businesses have closed, but bills
           greatly missed.                    must still be paid.  The need for
                                              help has expanded markedly.
                                                                                    To contact Lubbock Impact to
                                                             Mrs. Brunson           contribute or volunteer, see
                                                             shared a story
                                                             about a woman
                                                             who had


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