Page 50 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2021- Online Magazine
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TO Serve
Mayor’s Executive Director. common goal of providing dignity
Beans and “This event is such and hope during end-of-life care,”
says Dr. Brown. Guests will be
an important one in
greeted and served to-go orders by
fulfilling our mission,
area mayors, officials, leaders and
and we want everyone
Cornbread involved to feel volunteers. The food will once again
comfortable and have
be prepared by River Smith’s. Each
a positive experience.”
meal will contain beans, cornbread,
a sausage link, cookies and a drink
Hospice is not a place;
Luncheon it is a philosophy of of $10. Patrons are encouraged
– all for the affordable ticket price
care for the terminally
to make additional donations or
ill that allows them
consider becoming event sponsors.
2021 by Cheryl Presley to die in peace and Hospice is built upon an
comfort, with loved
ones close by. For the
interdisciplinary team approach.
past 32 years, Beans
and Cornbread has Each patient on service has equal
access to a physician, nurse,
helped raise money chaplain, social worker, a CNA to
to allow Hospice of assist with personal care, volunteer,
Lubbock to provide and grief and bereavement services
n 1987, Hospice of Lubbock
became the first hospice hospice care for any person, for family members before and
Iprovider in the region. Today, regardless of their ability to pay. after the patient’s death. Proceeds
they remain Lubbock’s only Hospice of Lubbock takes great from this year’s Hospice of Lubbock
nonprofit hospice, and the only pride in being able to say they have Annual Mayors’ Beans and
one in the region that provides never turned a terminally ill patient Cornbread event will help provide
services for adult AND pediatric away and have been able to offer care for unfunded patients, support
patients. In celebration of 34 years them quality end-of-life care. That is pediatric hospice care, and enhance
of providing care across the South still their mission and focus. the agency’s We Honor Veterans
Plains, Hospice of Lubbock is “Not only is Beans and Cornbread program.
proud to present the 32nd Annual our largest, signature fundraising This fundraiser will also benefit
Mayors’ Beans and Cornbread event, it is also a tremendous Hospice of Lubbock’s music
Luncheon Friday, March 5, from opportunity for people from the therapy program, which began in
11a.m. to 1:30p.m. “To ensure a safe 19 counties we serve to come 2020. “Music provides a connection
environment for all attendees and together and celebrate the services to the soul that often cannot be
volunteers, this year’s event will be we provide in their communities. explained,” says Dr. Brown. “Music
a drive-thru format in the parking Even in this year’s adjusted format, Therapists are more than just
lot of the YWCA’s new building at this luncheon STILL provides an musicians playing an instrument
6501 University,” said Jeremy L. opportunity for people from all and/or singing a song. Their
Brown, M.D., Hospice of Lubbock’s walks of life to come together for a training integrates music into the
50 Lubbock Senior Link