Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Lubbock Online Magazine
P. 56
In ReTIRemenT
By Ann Henneman, R.N. Nurse Consultant
Essential Home Health
etirement is a stage in life that the way we view ourselves all change that staying healthy throughout
comes with big changes in during this stage of life. retirement is a crucial component
Rdaily activities. Retiring from of living out that vibrant, fulfilling
a job or career in which much time Many seniors spend time re- lifestyle we envision. Perhaps now,
was spent for the purpose of making evaluating their life experiences as during the COVID-19 pandemic more
an income to support a family can they move into another phase of than ever, a renewed focus on our
feel unfamiliar. Just because a person life. Although it can be an exciting health is an important perspective.
has retired does not mean their life is and fulfilling time, it can also seem So how can we do this?
without purpose. There is much left strange. We reflect about the past
to contribute to the world. Besides and think about what’s still to come. Get a good night’s sleep. Although
all the life lessons learned that can We review our successes as well as it may seem strange to start a list
be shared with others, seniors also our setbacks and find meaning in of ways to stay active in retirement
have more time to spend with family both. These reflections often lead to with getting more rest, healthy
members, including children and an exploration of one’s spirituality, sleep for those of older age is key to
grandchildren. There’s time for as we see aging as a spiritual journey. maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In
travel, concerts, movies, and hobbies We have a growing awareness of our fact, it is critical to healthy cognitive
that seniors never had time to do. own mortality. We may fear passing function, physical health, and
away. We may fear leaving our loved emotional wellbeing.
There are certainly changes that ones. We may wonder what we will
occur within us as we age. These be remembered for. Spirituality and Focus on prevention. Always
changes are both physical and religious faith can help us accept our maintain annual preventive care
emotional. Physically, our bodies mortality and find meaning to the life visits with your health professional.
are not as strong and full of energy we have led. These include health screenings for
as they once were. Emotionally, we cholesterol levels, blood pressure,
struggle with the challenge of loss of Why is a healthy lifestyle so heart problems, screening for breast
health, of loved ones, our careers, and important, especially in our senior and cervical cancer, and other
our independence. These changes years? Even though seniors are preventive screening tests along
are inevitable and are a part of living challenged with all the above with vaccinations for flu, shingles,
a long life. For us to really appreciate changes, a fulfilling life is still within and pneumonia, etc. Always pay
the value of a healthy lifestyle as our reach. Healthy aging is not attention to your body and alert your
older adults, it is important that we just about preventing problems. It health care professional immediately
recognize and accept these changes is also about identifying problems if something feels off.
that occur within us as we age. Our and addressing them before they
daily activities, the roles we play, and get worse. However, let’s not forget Exercise regularly. Exercise not only
alleviates depression but improves
56 Lubbock Senior Link