Page 80 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 80

Virginia Griffin Worcester Evans                            A Woman on the Move

                                                                          by Steve Lott

                                                Lackland, it was already dark.   back with embarrassing medical
                                                Her group was quartered in a    problems.  She would be sent
                                                barracks which had not been     home early so the pilots could
                                                used in a while. They were told   sign her register and record the
                                                to pick a bunk and get some     information without her hearing
                                                sleep. When they awoke, the     it. Not-so-humorous were the
                                                ladies found themselves covered   suggestive comments she had to
                                                with roaches and water bugs.    endure, sometimes by the very
                                                Another girl from Vermont       people whose job it was to prevent
                                                stood in the middle of the      that kind of talk. When she finally
                                                room and just screamed. They    got the courage to speak up, she
                                                discovered that the garbage     was threatened to have earned
                                                from the previous group had     stripes withheld. But Virginia had
                                                been left for over a month.  The   survived harsh Vermont winters
                                                Vermont girls had never seen    and 11 siblings. She was prepared
                 irginia was born in            roaches or water bugs. The      to handle challenges.
                 Browington, Vermont in a    Army fixed the bug problem but
           Vhospital elevator. She saw       was helpless against the heat and
           this as an omen that she was born   the sandstorms. The recruits had
           to travel. She could not have been   no idea how to prepare for walls of
           more right.                       sand. The dirt got into everything,
                                             and the heat only compounded
           Her father believed that education   her discomfort. Virginia was not
           was a waste of time for women,    an immediate fan of the Lone Star
           so she knew she had to take it    State.
           upon herself to make her dream of
           becoming a teacher come true. She   Her assignment after basic was
           worked and saved so she could     Scott Air Force Base in Illinois.
           go to a small college, but she fell   There she learned the ropes of
           ill with pneumonia after the first   the military personnel office. She
           semester. Virginia had to spend   excelled at her work and looked
           her college money to pay medical   forward to her next assignment.
           bills. She then felt as though she   When she discovered her new job
           had only two options: go home     would be with the 1708 Ferrying
           to her 11 siblings and accept a   group at Kelly Air Force Base, San
           traditional woman’s role or join   Antonio, she thought, “Texas loves   The MATS (Military Air Transport
           the military. Virginia chose the Air   me a lot more than I love it!”  Service) squadron was her next
           Force.                                                               home. Virginia was transferred
                                             Virginia oversaw morning           to Andrews Air Force Base in
           When the Air Force sent her to    personnel reports; she had to know   Washington D.C.  She was told to
           Lackland Air Force Base near San   where everyone was. She learned   report to the information office
           Antonio, Texas, it was a bit of a   to deal with being a woman in the   ASAP. In her hurry to get there,
           culture shock. The New England    Air Force, some of it humorous     she rounded the corner of a hall
           girl encountered bugs, sandstorms,   and some not. Sometimes, crews   too quickly and ran head on into
           and heat.  When she arrived at    flew to foreign countries and came   a three-star general, knocking

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