Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 61





                                                                                                  by Lee Franks

               upplemental or special         partnership can own, and the trust   trustor to keep the property until
               needs trusts (SNTs) offer an   agreement spells out when and how   death when he or she hopefully will
          Seffective means for holding        the trustee may distribute property   not need it.
          and managing money or other         to the beneficiary or beneficiaries.
          property for disabled children and                                     Self-settled SNTs (sometimes
          adults who have a disability and    SNTs come in two very distinct     called d4A trusts from the federal
          who receive or may receive means-   forms: third party SNTs and        statute authorizing them) differ
          tested public assistance, such as   self-settled SNTs.  Anyone can     dramatically from third party SNTs.
          Supplemental Security Income (SSI)   create a third party SNT while    Only the beneficiary (if he or she
          or Medicaid.  Attorneys design      he or she still lives, an inter vivos   is able), a parent, a grandparent,
          these trusts to supplement, not     trust, or through his or her will,   or a court may create one, and the
          replace, the assistance available to   a testamentary trust.  Either   property to fund the trust comes
          the disabled.                       way, the key provision in a third   from the beneficiary AND only if
                                              party SNT is that the trustee has   the beneficiary has not reached 65
          To assist with understanding the    absolute discretion not to make    years of age.  In addition, a self-
          characteristics and uses of SNTs,   any distribution at all to or for   settled SNT must have only one
          a little background is in order.    the beneficiary.  Typically, the   beneficiary, be irrevocable, and
          A trust generally works like a      trustor funds or puts money into   most importantly, have a provision
          partnership between a creator who   the trust, but usually the trust   reimbursing any state that provided
          is called the trustor, grantor, or   agreement allows anyone who       assistance to the beneficiary (the
          settlor, and a trustee, essentially a   wants to provide something for   ‘claw back provision’).  Most often,
          manager, who can be an individual,   the beneficiary to give money or   the need for a self-settled SNT
          bank, corporation, or other entity.    other property to the trust.  An   arises when a disabled person
          The trustor and the trustee agree   inter vivos SNT has the advantage   receives money from an estate, life
          that the trustee will hold, manage,   of existing as soon as it is signed,   insurance, a settlement in a lawsuit,
          and distribute the property owned   allowing the trustor or anyone else   or other source.  Often the parents
          by the trust for the benefit of one   to immediately fund the trust or   of a disabled person leave money
          or more beneficiaries according to   to name the trust in their wills or   outright to the person when they
          the trust agreement signed by the   as the owner of real estate or as   die, or a person with property
          trustor and trustee.                the beneficiary of a life insurance   applies for disability assistance
                                              policy, certificate of deposit,    because he or she suddenly became
          A trust may own bank and            or other financial account or      disabled, had an existing disability
          investment accounts, real estate,   instrument.  On the other hand,    that worsened, or simply did not
          vehicles, or almost any other       a testamentary trust allows the    know such an option was available.
          kind of property that a person or

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