Page 49 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 49

KorEaN war

                                        to 100 decibels or       THANK YOU to our VETS             army - mp
                                        more.  Other types       by offering FREE cleaning
                                        of hearing loss are      and service to your VA
                                        in our genes, and        Hearing Aids. We have a
                                        heredity plays a big     staff at Grand Hearing Center who has been
                                        part.  Some people       serving the South Plains area for 43 years. We
                                        are more prone to        are willing to work with you to achieve the best
                                        the adverse effects      possible solution.  Gayle (Wampler) Willson, BC-
                                        of loud sounds than      HIS, (Board Certified in the Hearing Instrument
                                        others.  Another         Sciences), Blair Willson and Polly Wampler, are
                                        factor is the length     all licensed.  We are proud of the “Wampler
                                        of time a person is      Legacy” and want to say…
                                        exposed.  Military
                                        personnel are often
                                        exposed to all the       Thank you, PFC Boyce Bryan, for your service and
                                        factors: loud, sudden     for trusting us with your Hearing Health Needs.
                                        noises and constant
                                        sounds over 85                       And to all our VETERANS
                                        dB.  These include
            mechanics, pilots, infantrymen, those exposed to          Thank you for your service, so we can
            chemicals, and those around sirens.                   experience the freedoms we have today in this
                                                                         country!  Our offices salute you!
            In addition, some medications can be ototoxic
            (causing hearing nerve damage) and can
            be avoided or substituted.  More than 200
            medications can be the cause.  Research has
            shown that some over-the- counter pain
            relievers can cause hearing loss in women,
            and chemotherapy affects both genders.
            When a course of medication is necessary for
            one’s health, it is advisable to have a hearing
            screening before and after to note any changes.
            A lifestyle of smoking also can be damaging to
            one’s hearing nerves.

            You can take precautions NOW to protect your
            hearing and salvage the hearing you have
            today.  Be aware of the noises you are exposed
            to.  The most important thing to realize is
            that hearing loss is PREVENTABLE.  Always
            be aware of your surroundings and the level
            of noise in them.  Wearing protectors, like
            muffs or earplugs, is an effective method of
            protection.  Custom-made earplugs are best,
            because they can seal out loud noise.  Move
            away from the source of noises and LOWER
            the volume.

            Hearing devices alone are not the complete
            answer.  It takes time with your hearing
            health professional to get them adjusted and
            functioning ideally for your lifestyle. We say

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