Page 106 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 106

Lee Reese
                                                               The Mistake That Wasn’t

                                                               by Katherine McLamore with David Eppler

                                                      evening prayers and        Nam in the Gulf of Tonkin,
                                                      encouraging fellow         eventually returning stateside
                                                      sailors to attend church   to complete a cruise that, in
                                                      services. But maybe        ’74, was logged as the shortest
                                                      the joke was on Lee’s      on record at only five months
                                                      fellow sailors because     long.
                                                      the life of devotion and
                                                      service that followed      Lee’s sister invited him to
                                                      may well have been         a party where Lee met a
                                                      foreshadowed by            young lady named Sharon.
                                                      that somewhat ironic       Later that evening, the
                                                      selection.                 young sailor asked if he
                                                                                 could walk the bright-eyed
                                                      Lee was born in            girl home. They started as
                                                      Fresno, California in      “just friends”, but the more
                                                      1949. His father had       time they spent together, the
                                                      become disabled after      more they realized it was
                                                      a heart attack but still   something special. Lee left
                                                      managed to contribute      for another year of duty but
                                                      to the family income       returned just before Christmas
                                                      by selling newspapers.     to take Sharon to meet his
                                                      Lee’s mother kept up       grandmother. Sharon passed
                                                      the household for her      the test, and the couple
                                                      five children, and for a   married in 1973.
                 ven on that first day                while, Lee did odd jobs
                 of Navy boot camp,            to help make ends meet. Then,     Despite his early intentions,
            Eit quickly became                 on May 12, 1969, at the age of    Lee remained in the Navy,
            apparent that Lee Reese had        19, Lee enlisted in the Navy.     with deployments that took
            the foulest mouth in the
            entire company of sailors,          Lee was first deployed aboard
            a notable achievement for a        the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt
            young fellow among a class of      attack carrier, which took the
            men known for their colorful       young man throughout the
            language. Maybe that’s why,        Mediterranean, with stops in
            for that first day’s inspection,   Spain, France, Italy, and the
            someone decided to play            Greek Islands. Even though
            a little joke by placing, not      he had no intention of making
            one but six Bibles among the       a career of the Navy, Lee
            young sailor’s gear. To this       reenlisted because “it seemed
            day, Lee is baffled by that        like the right thing to do.”
            discovery. When his company        After his service on the
            commander uncovered                Roosevelt, Lee was deployed
            the stash, he responded            aboard the USS Ranger which
            by making Lee Reese                was headed for the Western
            the company’s Religious            Pacific. The ship sailed to
            Petty Officer. His duties          the Philippines, Hong Kong,
            as Religious Petty Officer         and off the coast of Viet
            included responsibility for

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