Page 43 - Summer 2019 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine - Online Magazine
P. 43


                                  Pastors &                                      DEFINING

         Funeral Homes                                                           ROLES

                                                                                  and their regular workload. Unfortu-
        Celebrating the end of the life is at   church staff do not have. Their training   by Laura Landes
        least as important as every milestone   and experience are invaluable during   nately, the desire to fulfill expectations
        preceding it. When we are the ones   the planning and the actual fulfillment   puts pressure on pastors. More often
        responsible for making it memorable,   of a meaningful memorial. The funeral   than not, they receive minimal com-
        there are some guidelines that can   home staff serves as the “behind-the-  pensation for the liability they bear.
        make the process less complicated.   scenes” crew that guarantees a flawless
        Funerals can be compared to weddings   presentation, whether the physical   Before you need the services of a
        but without a bride to make all the   body is present or not.             funeral home, it would be beneficial
        decisions. And typically, the funeral                                     to consider the expertise and extent of
        is planned in days, not months. Grief   The basic service charge of a funeral   their services, so that you won’t place
        and multiple family members with     home pays for the manpower required   an undue burden on your pastor and
        different ideas can further compound   for composition of Tribute DVDs and   his/her staff. That will give them more
        the stress.                          memorial folders, floral arranging,   time and energy to devote to what they
                                             memory table designing, manning      do best – being present with comfort,
        Guidelines have changed over the past   register stands, greeting and guidance   counsel, and spiritual support.
        50 or 60 years. Not that long ago, most   for guests, seating of the family, home
        people relied on their churches to han-  delivery of remaining
        dle the details involved in the planning   items, aftercare pro-
        and execution of a celebration of life.   grams specially de-
        But today, no church is equipped to   signed for each sur-
        carry out all of the things that go into   viving family
        providing an end of life celebration.  member and many
                                             other tasks.  Funer-
        Clergymen and pastors want to be     al home staffs are
        present for spiritual support. Church   actually trained to be
        staff and volunteers are dedicated to   as inconspicuous as
        providing fellowship, comfort and    possible. In fact, they
        spiritual guidance in the days lead-  often make what they      FREE 1-HOUR WORKSHOPS AT LAKE RIDGE CHAPEL AND MEMORIAL DESIGNERS
                                                                          THE 1ST & 3RD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH - TAUGHT BY LOCAL EXPERTS
        ing up to a person’s passing, and    do look easy.              Upcoming Events:
        they maintain that support in the days
        that follow.  The goal of the church   People sometimes           SPECIAL UPCOMING PRESENTATION:
        is to fulfill the personal and spiritual   assume that a church   WE ARE PARTNERING WITH THE UMC NEIDS TEAM FOR THIS SPECIAL EVENT
        needs of its members and their fami-  staff should do some               JUNE 4TH, 2019 @ 5:30PM
                                                                                       UMC NEIDS TEAM
        lies. They exist to provide comfort and   or all of the logistical           University Medical Center
        counsel during times of loss. Churches   work surrounding              The Truth about Synthetics and Illegal Drugs
        are also happy to provide a venue and   the ceremony. But               JUNE 18TH, 2019 @ 5:30PM
        perhaps a meal.  However, pastors and   the fact of the matter
        church staffs are limited in their ability   is that most church-               HUGH HAYS
        to accommodate most of the logistical   es do not want this             More than Money: Leaving a Legacy
        needs associated with a funeral.     responsibility, and        Topic Sneak Peek:
                                             we put them in a ter-         Back & Neck Pain           The Suicide Epidemic
        The role of the funeral home is to make   rible position when      The Cremation Deliberation       Internet Safety
        certain that services run as seamless-  we presume they            Senior Job Fair           Preneed
        ly as possible and to ensure beauti-  will “handle” an             Protecting and Maximizing Your IRA
        ful memories of an honorable celebra-  event laden with           PLEASE RSVP FOR EACH WORKSHOP: 806-698-8085
        tion.  Even when families have chosen   tremendous room for           Call for information on upcoming workshops!
        cremation, all necessary prepara-    error. Pastors may                     Refreshments will be served.
        tions for the memorial service must be   feel obligated to ful-
        made in a very small window of time   fill the wishes of their
        to make sure all elements of the service   parishioners, and the         Laura Landes
        are executed without error.  With this   burden may fall on              Event Coordinator  LAKE RIDGE
        in mind, funeral homes employ indi-  staff, who are limited              806-698-8085      ha l &  emo ia   esigne
        viduals with skillsets and talents that   by lack of training

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