Page 57 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017 - Online Magazine
P. 57
The Old Pillowcase
by Joyce Herron
When you are feeling old
And perhaps all alone,
Thinking of our sweet mother
Who has gone on above,
Take this pretty pillowcase
Yellowed from years of age,
Feel our mother’s hands.
By her it was lovingly made
Way back in the 30s
When we were very small,
We would hang it on the clothesline
Not seeing this time at all.
We didn't know how special
It would be in our 80s
Decades later we cherish it,
Now that we are ladies.
She watched us as we ran and played;
She loved us oh so much.
I hope you love it as I did,
And feel her loving touch.
May you sleep peacefully on your pillow
And know I pray for you,
Asking God's protection.
His grace will carry you.
Jane Bromley
Lubbock Senior Link 57